Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Stars


Milo and I left for our morning walk around 7:15  this morning.  We stopped at the Sunshine School House and raised the flag, honored those on our list and continued our walk.  Bob stopped the school bus and said "Hi".  He said he had a good weekend, threw Milo a treat and then continued his journey.  Just as we were approaching the fork, we hear a strange, loud noise of a vehicle.  Around the corner, on the paved road came a road grader.  When he passed us, the driver slowed down and waved.  He said the was doing the preliminary work for the "dust barrier", a liquid the county roads department puts down to control the dust on our dirt road.  Milo and I returned home to start our day of "guarding the house" and working.

My friend Inger knows of my interest in astronomy.  At this altitude, we have a clear view of the heavens almost every night.  We can clearly see the Milky Way.  This morning she sent me a very interesting article.

Something remarkable is about to happen in the evening sky. Three planets and a star cluster are converging for a close encounter you won't want to miss.

The action begins at sundown on Wednesday, May 31st, when the crescent Moon glides by Saturn. You can see them side-by-side about halfway up the western sky, shining through the glow of sunset--very pretty.

see captionGot a backyard telescope? Point it at the Moon. You'll see craters and mountains casting long shadows. Next, look at Saturn. The planet's rings will take your breath away. Also, look around Saturn. There's a star cluster! Saturn is sitting right next to "the Beehive," a swarm of stars 600 light years from Earth.

Right: Saturn and the Beehive star cluster. Photo credit: Jimmy Westlake ofYampa, Colorado.

This three-way convergence marks a spot in the sky you should watch as June unfolds, because things are about to get even more interesting.

After May 31st, the Moon moves away, leaving Saturn and the Beehive behind. Keep an eye on Saturn every night. Before long you'll notice a dim red star approaching the ringed planet. That "star" is Mars. Every night it creeps closer to Saturn.

For the entire article visit: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/30may_starsandplanets.htm?list96909

By reading others journals, it sounds like everyone had a safe Memorial Day Holiday.  Here in Sunshine we had several afternoon picnics and gatherings. You could hear the "clanging " of horse shoes all over the hills.

My MIL and FIL are in Georgia.  She is doing as well as can be expected. We are forever grateful for your continued prayers.

The band's gig went well on Friday night.  We packed the place.  Unlike our last gig there, we ran out of time before we ran out of music. (That's a good thing)

Smiles, David

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ghosts In Sunshine


One of the haunted houses in Sunshine Colorado

Milo and I left for our daily morning walk just after 7AM.  The morning air was cool and crisp, with the smell of damp Ponderosa Pine.  As we stopped by the flag pole in front of the Sunshine School House, the puppies, Maui and Plato joined us.  I raised the American flag in honor of our veterans and their families.  I have added a new name to my list, that of LCPL Simmons, who died in Iraq.  Thanks to Emily for supplying me with his name.  We continued to the fork and were greeted by Scooter, our new neighbors three legged dog (missing a hind leg so he scoots where ever he goes).  Scooter is a very friendly dog.  On the return trip we met Bob and the School bus.  Bob threw Milo a treat and commented about how smooth the road is now that it has been graded.

In my post on May 18th, I mentioned Kay and her ghost.  I promised I would expand on that topic to several readers.  Kays house is shown above.  When I first moved to Sunshine, my wife's best friend lived in the Gunn (that is a family name) house.  There were rumors that it was haunted.  One evening we had joined Dolly and her husband, Mike for drinks and dinner.  We talked about a number of topics.  The conversation eventually moved to the topic of the ghost.  Although it was a while ago, and I am suffering from CRS disease, I think I can remember most of our conversation.  Janice asked Dolly if she had ever seen the ghost.  Mike and Dolly both laughed and said yes.  Dolly, if i recall this correctly, told Janice that she had gone upstairs and saw him at the top of the stairs.  The ghost was in the image of a man in overalls.  I'm sure Dolly will let me know if I'm not correct.

Several years later the house was sold and remodeled.  When it was remodeled, all but one wall was torn down.  The new home was build on the same footprint as the old, with only the single wall remaining.  The other day I was talking to Kay and asked her about the ghost.  She looked at me and quizzed "Do you know about that?"  Of course I said yes. Kay told me that she has never seen it in the house but, often feels that there is someone peering in the window.  When she checks, there is no one around.  I wonder if the ghost moved outside when the house was remodeled.  Since our conversation, I have noticed a "FOR SALE" sign in front of the house.  Hummmm.....  I would hate to see her move because of something I said.

Do I believe in ghosts.........Yes, but that's another story.  (sorry Ellen)  Do you?  Have you ever seen one?

The SCSSYYSR is going to be held the weekend of July 15th and 16th at Hog Hallow somewhere between Craig and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Band has another gig

Warning, Best keep the kids off the streets, the band has another gig!


John, Dee, David, Steve and .......John are all residents of Sunshine.

We played together for a year before we played below 7000 feet.

It's FREE, just show up (and remember to tip the bar tender and the wait staff)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Morning walk

My morning walk started out with a drive this morning.  My lovely wife has always taken a long weekend to fly to Salt Lake City to visit her friend, Marcia.  It's a "girls weekend".  Sometimes they drive to Nevada for fun and games.  One trip, they went to see Celine in Los Vegas; one was a cruise to Mexico.  It's a get-away from the hubbies and kids.  It's a weekend to regain their sanity.  I highly encourage the trip.  The car logistics this morning, required me to drive her to the fork, where she picked up a ride to work.  This evening, I will actually drive somewhere....I will pick her up at work and take her to the airport.  It will be fun to drive again.  I work out of the home office and walk everywhere else.  This venture should be fun!!!  (If I can only remember which is the gas and which is the break.)

When I returned Milo and I took our morning walk.  We have moved from winter, directly into summer.  The high today is predicted to be around 80.  We raised the flag, remembered our friends and families, saluted and continued on.  Plato and Maui joined us. I did not have Milo on his lease today.  He bolted down Riley's driveway.  I called him.  He can up the driveway with Riley.  Riley has changed his posture.  He did not approach with his hair standing on end, tail between the legs and showing his teeth.   He came up with tail wagging....looking for a treat.  We finally have a friend.

Our neighbor, Kay waved as she drove by.  Kay is a school teacher.  Yesterday, she brought her 1st graders up to Sunshine for a visit.  They made a trip to the cemetery and the school house, before going to her house for lunch.  Kay lives in one of the haunted houses in Sunshine.

On our return trip, Milo and I ran into the mayor, Chris.  He stopped just long enough to tell us another story. "This man went into the bar and asked the bartender to line up six shots.  The bartender set them up and then said 'six shots!  Iseverything OK?'  The man replied 'I just found out my son is gay'.  The next day the same man went into the bar and said to the bartender 'Bartender, six shots, line em' up!'  the bartender did as asked and replied 'Six shots again today?'.  The man replied, 'Yea...I just found out my other son is gay'.  He downed the shots and left.  The next day the man returned and said 'Bartender, six shots, line em' up!'  The bartender lined em' up and then said.'My God, doesn't anybody in your family like women?'  The man then replied, "Yes, My wife does!"

Thank you to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday.

The band has another gig.  I'll post the flyer later.

Smiles, David

Sunday, May 14, 2006

To my Mother, on Mothers Day


Happy Mother's Day to you, Mother.  Although we haven't spoken to each other in several years, you are always with me.  I feel your presence every day.  I feel you in every fiber of my body, for you gave me life.

You have given me so much.  You gave me three wonderful brothers and a safe home.  You gave me a home that encouraged love, understanding and respect.  For that I am forever grateful.  You took me to Church, had me baptized, taught me to pray and continued to worship with me.  I still hang the Christmas stocking you made for me every Christmas.


Grandmother Eula and my Mother shopping in Portland, OR

Mother, thank you for teaching me manners, a lost art that I have passed on to my sons.  I still walk on the outside to protect my wife from getting splashed from passing cars.  Thank you for writing to me while I was in uniform.  If it wasn't for you and my father, I wouldn't have received any letters.  I will always feel bad for ruining your night of cards when I dropped the hatchet on my foot and cut off my toenail.  I think you got to the hospital faster than I did.

Thank you Mother for raising my three wonderful brothers.  You supported John through the really hard times, when no one understood his Cerebral Palsey.  You loved Dan through every wild hair he had.  You gave me my youngest brother, Phil, when I was only 15; and taught me how to take care of a baby.  A lesson I used when I had my own children.

You gave me my heritage and a membership in the First families of Tennessee. (and that's an inside joke that only you and I understand...who needs those old bitties in Virginia anyway)

I love you Mother, and I miss you.


Willamette NationalCemetery, Portland, Oregon

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Last snow fall? Entry to self

I wanted to document last nights snow fall.  We had 2" and I think most of it fell around 2AM.  I sure hope it's over for the season.  Forcast high is 60 so I'm sure it will be gone by tonight.  I'm not complaining, after all, I'm the one who chose to live at 7200 feet above sea level.  I am hoping to follow tradition and plant the annuals outside on my birthday, next tuesday. 

Milo and I took our walk on a very muddy road today. Bob stopped the bus at the bottom of our driveway and threw Milo a treat.  We had to be careful on our walk.  Snow was falling out of the trees and hitting us on the head.  That's enough to make you  pick up the pace!

Not feeling well today but, that is something I will share with Dr. Paul. 

"If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living."
- Gail Sheehy

Smiles, David


Thursday, May 4, 2006



Sunshine Canyon Summer Soltice Ya Ya Sisterhood Reunion

Many of the families that have resided in Sunshine have, for one reason or another, moved away.  For the last four years, three or four of the families have staged a reunion in the Colorado mountains near Steamboat Springs.  It has always been planned around the summer solstice (June 21) giving us maximum daylight and a darn good reason to celebrate!

We all bring food and grog....sleeping bags and tents...books....games and stories.  There is NO television.  In fact, the electricity is solar power, just enough to heat the hot water so we can clean the dishes. There is always a very large jig-saw puzzle. Dale sets up the Skeet range, we play crochet, whacky ball and lawn darts. I do believe there are even a few fish in the river if you would like to drown a worm or two!  You have to be hearty soles, mountain people.  The toilet is an outhouse decorated with photos of past get-togethers.  Showers...they can wait.  If not, the river is cold!  If you want to work, we split firewood.

Although the date is still being negotiated, it will be in July this year.

Dogs are welcome!


Maybe we'll figure out how to fill this darn thing with something other than beer!!!


After dinner we do a White Elephant gift exchange....you can't be too serious at this one.  Dancing around the fire is not required!


Here fishy, fishy!


It's a great place for father and son to bond!

Smiles, Be Safe!  David

Thanks to Deb for asking.  My MIL and FIL will be returning from their trip to Arizona on Saturday.  Both are doing as well as can be expected.