Everyday of the week, early in the morning, Milo and I take our morning walk. I raise the American flag. I have never mentioned that I also take an evening walk and lower the flag. This evening Milo and I took our walk, as we have for the last year and a half. I told myself that I was not going to write another bear story but I just can't keep this one to myself. I usually keep Milo on a lease. He loves to run and romp, chase imaginary bunnies and sniff every thing he can find. Tonight I let him run, and run he did. As we passed Tony's house I noticed movement in the woods above the road. I looked and saw a black bear moving uphill, away from us. Milo followed his natural tendencies and started after the bear. The bear took off on a run, up hill. I called and called for Milo to come back. I knew the bear could kill Milo with one swipe of his paw. Fortunately, Milo quit chasing the bear and returned to me. Unfortunately, the bear, still in flight, also turned and started down the hill. As I reached for Milo's collar and clipped the lease on him, I looked up. There was the bear, stopped dead in his tracks staring at me. I thought to myself, "this is not a good thing". The bear turned and moved down hill, away from us. Milo and I started home, I needed to change my underwear.
The craft fair at the school house went very well. There were shoppers there on both Saturday and Sunday. There was pottery, paintings, blown glass, jewelry, Christmas decorations and much, much more.
Our neighbor, Paul, is the Director of the American HomeBrewers Association . Paul's organization puts on the Beer Fest every year. It is a national event, with beers from all over the country. This year 380 breweries and 1,669 beers will be there. Many Sunshine residents will be attending the annual Beer Fest at the Denver Convention Center. It will be held on Saturday.
The Sunshine Community will be held on Saturday, September 30th, 2:00PM to 6:00PM at the fire station. There will be a live auction, a silent auction (new this year) and great food and drink.