Spring Snow April 2007
I thought I would stop in with a couple of reminders of some upcoming events in Sunshine. This Thursday, April 26th will be a meeting of Team Sunshine. Team Sunshine is a group organized to support the Sunshine Fire Protection District. Some of the items on the Team Sunshine agenda are assisting the fire department on incidents (traffic, food and water, etc.), educating the community on fire mitigation, maintaining the fire house and equipment, organizing community block leaders and gathering information for a community directory. The meeting will be held at 7PM at Abbey's house. We just might join in on birthday wishes for Rey and our fire chief, Steve.
The annual Flap Jack Fling is on the calendar for Sunday, June the 3rd, 9AM to 11 AM. There will be a community meeting beginning around 10AM. I'm sure there will be a volleyball game after the breakfast.
May looks like a busy month for me. I will be in Kansas City for a work conference on May 11th. One of our Scouts will be honored with his Eagle Scout court of honor on May 12th, I'll be off for a short, personal vacation May 16th to May 22nd (North Carolina) and on May 23, my wife is taking me to see Celtic Woman at Red Rocks.
Later entry: John and Eleanor will be hosting FAC (Friday Afternoon Club) this week. Please BYOB and some food to share.
We are receiving a late spring snow storm today. Ahhhh, spring time in the Rockies!
Be Safe!