Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where is it?

The detail is amazing.

While on my walk with Milo on Sunday, I peered up in a tree and was surprised at what I saw.  One of our neighbors made a bird house that looks just like the Sunshine school house.  I challenge my neighbors to find it's location. 

Speaking of neighbors, I wanted to mention that a couple of weeks ago we were invited to a Sunday brunch at Doug and Mary Ann's.  The event was totally delightful.  They have a beautiful view from their house, overlooking the mountains to the south of Sunshine.  Mary Ann has wanted to entertain for quite some time but Doug was against the idea.  You see, Doug was afraid we (the neighbors) would try to steal everything he owns....that thought still has me laughing.  You have to know Doug to enjoy his sense of humor.  Doug wrote for a national magazine with the initials SI.  His column was always a joy to read.  MaryAnn's choice of fair could not have been better.  The food was great and the guest list was tops (of course I would say that, I was included).  MaryAnn reads this journal so for you MaryAnn.....you walked by the bird house this morning....did you see it?

Milo and I were excited to see the school bus last Monday morning.  Sitting behind the steering wheel was our friend, Bob.  Bob was not driving the Sunshine route last year.  He had a health issue that took him off the route for a while.  I waved and Milo ran up to the bus, not to be disappointed.  Bob had a treat for him.

Last weekend a group of about 20 of our neighbors gathered at Lori and Ruby's house.  We rallied to cut and split firewood for 2 1/2 hours.  Hopefully they will have enough wood to last the winter.  Please pray for Lori.

Smiles to you all,


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Friday afternoon club

Tim & Linda's home
Last evening Milo and I returned from our evening walk.  We stopped at the mailbox and checked for any notes and maybe, even some mail.  Hiding in the back of the mailbox was a half sheet of paper with a typewritten note.  It announced that our new neighbors, Tim and Linda, are having a "Friday Afternoon Club" at their house tomorrow night.  It looks like a lot of fun.  We engage in this activity at different homes, at different times, around the community.  We usually bring our own beverage and a snack to share.  Unfortunately, the band is playing at a party in Pinewood Springs (just outside Estes Park) tomorrow evening and we will miss the FAC.
Although she hasn't left me a comment in this medium, I know Linda reads this journal.  Linda, I feel honored that you read my notes about Milo and Sunshine.  By the way, if the house looks familiar, I made a post about it some time ago.
Keep smiling.
Milo and David

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Evening walk with Milo

Milo and I had a great walk this evening.  For about a year now I have had to keep him on a leash as we walked.  His mother (Shilo) has moved into our rental house.  Her owner does not leash her.  If both dogs are loose they bolt and run loose in the neighborhood for a couple of hours.  With all of the wildlife in the area, loose dogs are not a welcome sight.  This evening Shilo was gone.  I let Milo run loose.  He was such a good boy...he stayed with me.  I just wish he would help me fold the flag.
Speaking of the wildlife.... it is abundant.  As an example there is a mother deer and two fawns (still spotted), a mother bear and two cubs, many foxes, rabbits, chipmunks and squirrels.  The male deer have grown their full racks of antlers and are loosing their felt.  Our bird feeders are full.  The parents are still feeding their young but it won't be long until the young birds will start eating on their own.

One of our neighbors and a very, very close friend is in need of prayers.  Lori was diagnosed with cancer.  The good news is that it is treatable.  She starts her treatments tomorrow.  Although not an AOL member, please visit her:  http://lorislovetribe.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And the party continues

Now that the alerts are turned back on, I am re-posting this entry.

This was the weekend for the Homebrew Hoedown.


Our neighbors sponsor this summer event.  If you will note the last band on the poster:  StarRoute!  That's our band.  We'll be playing at 5-6:30.  It's a fun event. (It's right next door to our house so I guess I'll be spending the evening enjoying the music, one way or the other..hehe)  And the Summer party continues....


This thing goes on from 3 in the afternoon until 11 at night.

For those who don't want to drive home, there is plenty of room to camp overnight.

What can I say????  We all have fun.

Next on the official Sunshine Agenda:  September 6th is the Sunshine Community Fest and September 27-28 is th Sunshine Craft & Bake Sale.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

And the summer continues...

Phil inside the Snowbound Mine

Milo and I arose for an early breakfast and then took our usual morning walk.  This morning we pulled out the large (4'X6') cotton flag.  We only fly it on special occasions like Sundays, holidays and funeral days.  Today it is flying at half-staff until noon in honor of our friend and neighbor, Phil Hannum.  Phil, like myself, was a native of Wyoming.  During his working career, he was a real estate developer.  Phil died recently and his memorial service is this afternoon (4PM).  The service is being held at the Snowbound Mine.  Phil has owned the mine for many, many years.  It was a project he held near and dear to his heart.  The Snowbound was an active gold mine up to the time it locked it's doors in 1935 .  All the mining was closed down in order to move all the resources to the war effort.  When you walk into the building, it looks just like it did in 1935. 

The calendar hasn't been touched and all of the working clothes are still hanging on their hangers.  Phil's dream was to turn it into a museum.  Rest peacefully Phil.


Upcoming events are brunch at Doug and Mary Ann's house (tomorrow), the Arts and Crafts fair at the school house and then the community fest at the fire house.  I'll post the dates soon.