Milo (My mixed breed mutt) and I started our morning walk around 7AM. The morning sky was still pink, following a spectular sunrise. After waving good-bye to the wife and son, we walked down the long driveway onto the main road. We stop at the Sunshine school house every morning and raise the American flag. The School house was built in 1900 and is no longer used as a school, but as a community gathering place. This morning the flag went up to full staff and then down to half-staff in memory of Chief Justice William Rehnquist. This will continue until Sunset, Tuesday, Sept 13th. Milo was rewarded with a doggy bisquit and we marched on. We passed the spot where we were greeted by a black bear a few weeks before and walked to the fork. On the way back, the school bus passed us. Bob, the driver, usually has a treat for Milo, but not this morning. He just waved and kept going. Milo usually sits when he hears the school bus coming. He knows there is going to be a treat. This morning, I gave him one out of my own pocket.
My mother and father in-law live with us in the summer. They are "snow-birds" and move to Arizona in the late fall, and return in May. My mother-in-law, Audie, was just diognosed with Cancer. She is in good spirits.
Sunday morning the community is gathering at the school house at 6:30 AM. We will ring the bell and raise the flag, all in rememberance of 9-11. The bell will ring once at 6:45 and then again at 7:03, the times the planes hit the world trade center.
Im sorry to hear about your mother in law.
The schoolhouse is very quaint and cute!
My first visit to your journal was your most recent entry in March 2007, and I got to looking around and decided to visit your first entry and work my way back up. I know this will be fun to explore Colorado through your journal.
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