Friday, November 11, 2005

Veterns Day

Milo and I had a quiet walk this morning.  Once more he sat at attention as I raised the American Flag at the Sunshine School House.  It was a mild 50 degrees. the weatherman is calling for rain and snow (above 9000 feet).  We'll see about that!

This is my personal salute to my family members who served in the U.S.Military.

Lt. John Wheeler was there at Lexington.  He went on to serve at Dorchester Heights, Ticonderoga and Crown Point under Ethan Allen

Isreal McBee who served at the Battle of Kings Mountain (Revolutionary War)

Johnathon Branch (Civil War - Tennessee)

C.O. Wheeler (1st World War)

COL D.J.Wheeler (WW2, Korea, VietNam)

I prefer not to mention my personal service (six years1965-1971).  All I will say is I am proud of the boys and men serving today.  They can walk and hold their heads high.  They are applauded as they walk through airports.  Unlike, as my neighbor Wayne and I have experienced, the treatment we received.  We didn't wear our uniforms in public in fear of being spit upon.

To my father, who I miss very much, I salute you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for serving my friend



Anonymous said...

I know it is a bit late but.... thanks for standing watch over me and mine!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this with me...  

Very touching tribute...


Anonymous said...

2.26.2007: Nice picture of your dad. Someone to really be proud of. I can tell some of his good qualities just by the picture, and of course, the apples didn't fall far from the tree.  :-) You!   ELS