Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Winter Solstice


Milo and I were greeted with this sunrise as we left for our walk this morning.  It is looking southeast (Duh).  The cold, cold weather has broken and it is nice enough to walk for a half an hour without freezing!  Bob stopped the school bus and handed Milo a treat.  I handed Bob a bag of cookies.  (You will never guess where I acquired them!)  All the kids in the school bus waved as they drove off.  You could sense the excitement of the upcoming Christmas vacation.

I have been waiting for this day for months.  The days finally start getting longer.  Sounds like a good reason for a party.  Wouldn't you know it, one of the Sunshine neighbors will be hosting a Solstice party tomorrow evening.  David owns a company that makes Mead, a honey beer.  He is from the same community I lived in when I lived in Maryland.  Let's hear it for Owings Mills, Maryland! Sounds like another good excuse for a party!



Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunrise! Hey, any reason to have a party sounds like a good idea to me! Enjoy!

I like the fact that the days will start gradually getting a big longer. Not fair for my husband who drives to work in the dark and comes home in the dark this time of year.

I bet you got the cookies from the cookie exchange!! That was nice you shared with others.


Anonymous said...

Yes sounds like a good party idea lol have fun love the pic it was nice today


Anonymous said...


Now, see... just by you coming out of the wordwork and leaving me a comment, you now have a new reader to your journal! :)  I'm going to take some time to read back a ways.. helps me get to know the writer.   I'll be back! :)

Oh.. and beautiful sunrise!  You don't see many of those here on the West Coast.  Way too much smog.   Thanks for sharing.. :)


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture that is...some scenery to take a walk with.  I'm a total beer lover.  Pgh has Penn Brewery, which is an ancient microbrewery that has been revived.  It's St. Nikolaus Bach time...Yeah!  Chris

Anonymous said...

I thought the Colorado sunrises and sunsets were some of the prettiest I have ever seen.  Awesome!
