Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Four AM Freight Train



The biggest check I have ever written.  David and 4501

We didn't need an alarm clock to wake us at 4:30 this morning.  It started out sounding like the wind was blowing gently and increased to a loud roar and then finally to the sound of a freight train heading down the mountains. 

Milo and I left around 7 for our morning walk.  The sun was just about to rise.  I was amazed to see the damage the wind gust had caused.  There was a tree down at Steve and Julies.  I don't usually look at the outhouse behind the school house but something caught my attention.  The area was rather odoriferous.  The wind had blown the door right off the outhouse!  Whooeee....I have to fix that thing and FAST!  Even the dogs were staying away.

The Plainview fire took off over night (do you think the wind had anything to do with that?).  It went from 4 acres to 2,700 acres.  It is located about 20 miles south of Boulder.  This is way too early in the year for us to worry about fires.  If we get "toned" out it will be to take up a defensive position.  We would be assigned a house to protect (cover with water and foam to keep it from burning down).  There aren't many houses near the burn area so I don't expect to be called.

As storms move across the country from west to east, they drop moisture on the mountains (the skiing is great).  The winds move down the east face of the rockies and dry out.  It is common for us to get high winds and no snow as the storms pass.  After living here for a while we expect the wind and learn to live with it.  As a fire fighter, it can be our worst enemy.



Anonymous said...

gosh, I know what you mean about the wind and fire. It is too early to think of fires; such a dry year here in Montana too.


Anonymous said...

Wow I didn't know you were a fire fighter.....
I have a cousin who is a fire fighter I love going down to the firehouse and hanging out with him playing cards and such but anyway 27,000 acres huh? What a horrible thing lets hope you don't get called to cover any houses. Truly hope your day is quiet.  

Anonymous said...

Now that can be really frightening to think of how fast the wild fires spread.  I can only imagine what a nightmare that presents to firefighters.  Hoping they can contain the fire.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Yes it is too early to have fires. hope you get the door back on soon:)


Anonymous said...

You are a fire fighter? that is really neat!!

skiing is great, huh? Do you ski? I ski, and Its always been a dream of mine to ski out there in Colorado. One day Ill get there!!

take care,

Anonymous said...

A fireman?? Very cool. Those fires are pretty scary.
Be careful.
Take care

Anonymous said...

Good reading your journal is! Maybe you can tell us about some fires you've faught? Interesting! ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

Fires are horrible things, that's for sure.  We have to deal with them quite often here in the Inland Empire and surrounding desert communities.  It just always happens, and sometimes they are absolutely devastating.

Glad you weren't called in to help fight that fire, and also thankful your area was spared any fire damage.
