Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Our day of Love



Janice and I have never made a big deal over Valentines Day.  We have made everyday of our marriage a special day of love.  Janice and her friend Marcia have taken the Presidents Day holiday for a "girls weekend".  They usually take this weekend to head for the warmth of Mexico, Arizona or Nevada.  One year, they took a cruise.  For most of those years, Valentines day fell during "girls weekend" and Janice and I were apart.  I didn't mind because, as I said, we celebrate Valentines Day, everyday.

Some of the things I have enjoyed doing have been fun.  I like picking up a couple of boxes of kids valentines.  You know, the ones the grade school kids stuff into decorated shoe boxes.  I like to start a week or so before Valentines Day and hide them all over the house.  I also save some for special days during the year, her birthday, the day I proposed, our anniversary and so on.  One year I purchased a 2' X 3' card and hung it from the ceiling in the garage.  When she pulled her car into the garage it was hanging right in front of her windshield.  How could she miss it?  This year I gave her a dozen red roses and a card.  Tonight will be a romantic dinner in Boulder at a very nice restaurant.

Today is the day we celebrate Malcom's Birthday.  She is fourteen.




Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Malcoms!
That girls weekend sounds fun maybe I should do that with my best friend I miss her she moved to Colorado (Big Pout). I love that you hide those little valentines around the house. I do that for Stan too but I use post it's with little love notes on them I hide them all over even in his shoes LOL
Anyway, have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!
~ Marina  

Anonymous said...

I have to admit-I don't always read your journal but pop in once in a while:) The people not commenting thing I wrote was about a person in my town I deal with on a daily basis-not J-Landers. But I have been posting @ blogspot.
Here is the link


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Malcom, and Happy Valentines Day to you David!

Amanda :)

Anonymous said...

Dinners sounds fun. Where are you taking your special lady? We are having dinner at home. Have a great Valentines Day


Anonymous said...

David that is so sweet! You are exactley right about celebrating your love with your spouse every day!  What a wonderful tribute to your mariage...

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

David , you are the sweetest husband !!
Happy Valentines day !


Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly, David.  You are such a romantic.  In one of my many rambling entries lately, I stated that my BF is much like you.  He surprises me all the time with sweet things; not just one holiday set aside for such things.  A girls' weekend sounds so nice plus you get a guy's weekend also...lol  Chris

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful that you guys celebrate Valentines Day every day (so to speak).  I must say when reading your entry, I did get a bit of a giggle, just for a second.  I know it was a typo, but if you go back up and read the part about the card hanging down so it would hit her windshield, this is what I read, "When she pulled her car into the garage I was hanging right in front of her windshield."  lol   Now THAT would have been a very big surprise, I'm sure! hee   I know it was the card, it was just cute where you happened to put that particular error.  

Happy Valentines Day, David!! :)


Anonymous said...

Interesting photos; check out my new book!

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day, belated - better than never, I guess. I feel you and Janice have the right idea! Happy B-Day to Malcom!

Anonymous said...

Oh David!! I know Janice loved your outing!!1 You are such a romantic!!! Happy 14th birthday Malcom!!!! Love the graphic David!! Malcom is very pretty!!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

Sounds very romantic, David!
Happy Birthday to Malcom.    :)

Anonymous said...

That is the way a marriage should be.. showing your love to each other every day!!  You two have a special marriage and finding unique ways to surprise her for Valentines and other holidays can keep that love alive and vibrant. Happiness to you both always!!!!
