Thursday, March 23, 2006

Einstein and Mom


Einstein and his Mom

Several years ago we were suffering from a severe drought.  My neighbor, Bob, felt that the bears were starving and starting feeding them.  There were stories about the bears breaking into peoples houses and raiding the refrigerators at all times of the day and night.

  There are several things you can do to keep the bears away.  The first is not to leave trash outside.  Bears have a great sense of smell and will travel a great distance to dig through someone's trash.  Bears also love bird feeders. bird feeders.  We have one but it's two stories up and hanging out over the lawn.  We had a bear try to visit the bird feeder once.  I think he hurt himself when he fell....he's never been back!

The second thing is to have a couple of good barking dogs.  I should say a couple of good barking dogs that don't sleep when a bear does visit.

It's also a good idea not to leave the kitchen door open when you go to bed.  The bears won't come into the yard if there are people around.  They are more afraid of us, then we are of them.  But leave the kitchen door open with all of that good smelling, juicy food in the refrigerator....Mummmm, Mummm.  You know, they will even push the thing over to get into it.  What a mess that makes on the floor!

Well, back to Bob.  I think all of the Sunshine neighbors will agree that the bears were starving.  When Bob started feeding them, the visits to our homes diminished.  Winter came and the bears hibernated.  The next spring the bears returned.  Fortunately there was plenty of food, but they don't forget an easy meal.  One of the bears brought her new cub with her.  Bob's wife, Ruby named it Einstein.

The Sheriff visited Bob and could not prove he was feeding the bears.  He warned him and gave him a good lecture about what might happen.  By this time the bears were back to eating their native foods, all except Einstein.  Unfortunately Bob passed away and is buriedin the Sunshine Cemetery.  Ruby still sees Einstein.  He is like a pet that comes and goes as he pleases.  She knows the dangers and does not feed him.

I drove by her house late last fall and she was out on her porch, broom in hand, swatting a bear on the butt.  I stopped to see if she was all right (yeah, like I was going to chase a bear).  As the bear ran away, she turned and laughed. The bear was blocking the door and she was just clearing the path. 

She has taken several pictures and sells them, in nice frames, at the school house art show.


Ruby and Coco


Anonymous said...

too cute:)


Anonymous said...

That is one brave lady!


Anonymous said...

This is so interesting, David.  We are starting to have bears roaming around our county.  Rather unusual for this far south in Pa.  There were a couple in our woods last summer.  Grizzly would go crazy.  I don't know about feeding them, though..LOL.  Becky just IM'd me the other night that she had black bear.  I asked Joey what it is because the way it was phrased I thought it was a mixed drink but no she had actually eaten black bear.  Joey said the meat is very fatty because of all the garbage they rummage through.  I'm satisfied with the deer and other small critters in my woods.   Chris

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the 2 bears. Ruby is a braver woman than I am!!!

Anonymous said...

great pictures of the bears. I don't think I could live there I'm to afraid of bears.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see a bear in Montana; these were great stories


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this. Even though they can be dangerous. How very cool to have them around.


Anonymous said...

Oh I loved reading that...the bears look so cute but I don't think I would be too comfortable seeing them so close.  I chase cats off my garden and thats about how brave I am!!  Well done to Ruby.  Eve

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Miss Ruby is standing close to a bear in that last picture, did she realize that? lol. Not me, no way . . . I dont care if Einstein is the nicest damn bear around, no thank you!

No threat of bears here in Southern Ohio . . . just raccoons interested in our garbage cans, I think I saw a raccoon big enough to break into our fridge the other day though, geesh. :)

Take Care! Keep Smiling!

Amanda :)

Anonymous said...

oh my too close for me...i'm scared of them! (even though ive never seen one) lol

Anonymous said...

Haha!! Great story David!!!! The picture of the bears is great!!! That Ruby is one bold lady!!!! LOL....