Sunday, March 19, 2006

New books


I had a car in the driveway, some place I'm sure!

I don't believe I have posted two journal entries in one day before.  Here is a first!

Thursday evening, my phone was my neighbor, Pavel.  He was very excited.  The son and granddaughter of General Jimmy Doolittle had been on KOA radio talking about the General and the raid on Japan in 1942.  They were being joined by two of the surviving members; R.E. Cole (Doolittle's co-pilot) and Bill Bower (pilot of crew 12 and resident of Boulder).  They were giving a presentation at the church at the mouth of our canyon.  Pavel asked me if I would like to go with him, and being a veteran and history buff, I said yes.  It was an honor to be in the same room with them.  At the end of the presentation, there was a book signing.  So now I have two more books to read, "Calculated Risk, the extraordinary life of Jimmy Doolittle - Aviation pioneer and World War II hero" and "I Could Never Be So Lucky Again, the Autobiography of General James H. 'Jimmy' Doolittle".

This evening, at Jack and Donna's, my friend and neighbor, Gene Tidball gave me another book.  He wrote a book about his relative, Gen. John Tidball, U.S. Army, who graduated from West Point and saw action at Chancellorsville, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Antietam and Petersburg.  It will be an honor to read; "The Life of John C. Tidball 'No disgrace to My Country'"

Speaking of Jack and Donna....We had a great time at their appreciation party for the Fire Department.  It was a fund raiser and it was very successful.  Our band played and if I may boast, we sounded pretty good.  One thing about living in a close-nit neighborhood.  Most of us have had something to do with the volunteer fire department, so when we get together, it is usually a pretty good party.  My MIL and FIL purchased a couple of cases of champagne to give to the volunteers.  We have a five or six bottles left over.  Do you have any ideas what we could do with them?

Time to bring in more firewood.  It looks like the storm is going tobe a good one.

Be safe and smile.




Anonymous said...

I am jealous of the winter storm. I don't mind getting snowed in, especially if i can stay warm for the duration. It's like spring here. So, stay warm, drink cocoa, build afire, and hope the power doesn't go out so you can at least communicate with J-land! Wow on the book authors! Those books should be family heirlooms. bea

Anonymous said...

did  you find your car? LOL I'm sure you did, I want warm weather already.  How fun of that you got to see the presentation.

Anonymous said...

how about giving one to the bus driver in a box of course i bet he would love to get a bottle:) yep yep this storm is going to be a doozy stay safe and warm


Anonymous said...

look at all that snow!

my suggestion for the leftover champagne - make a cozy fire, get some orange juice and make mimosas!



Anonymous said...

Hmm..spare bottles???  How long to get them over here...???  Hahah.  Looks like you have been having a great time even if somewhat snow bound. Sounds like a great community.  Eve

Anonymous said...

The presentation sounds cool and you got autographed books ! How very special.
Hope your enjoying that snow !!


Anonymous said...

I'm with Amanda! Ship the booze over here!!!! The books sound great. I've read about WW11 and the name Dolittle sounds very familar but I can't remember why. Hiroshima?  Sorry. Dummy at keyboard! LOL
Have a great day despite the storm.

Anonymous said...

Okay. Looked Doolittle up. Did a wiki search. Couldn't stand not knowing. LOL

Anonymous said...

Not sure how I found your journal, but I enjoyed my visit.  Love visiting Colorado, in fact my brother an I passed near your town last October when we drove from Central City to Boulder after an early snowfall.  I'm also a fireman, so I really feel for your fire department on the loss of their station.  Looks like they are lucky to have a very supportive community behind them!

Take care and enjoy the snow!  If you'd like to visit my fire company, please take a look at


Anonymous said...

man and its supposed to be spring now huh?
its pretty but i would hate being there!  i'm so ready for summer!

Anonymous said...

The books sound fascinating!  You could always share the champagne with  Yeeks, where are your cars?  You can certainly keep the snow in Colorado with you and Deb.  Please don't pass it this way.  I'm thinking spring.  It's just not cooperating.  Chris

Anonymous said...

How in the world do you get your car out of there?  I've never seen that before. lol  And those books sound so interesting, I love reading biographies and autobiographies.  I'm hooked on them.  My most recent one was called 'Two Souls Indivisible: The Friendship That Saved Two POWs in Vietnam' by James S. Hirsch.  Checked it out at the library.  It was so good.  Forever etched in my memory.  GBU, Shelly