The flag pole across the road from the school house. Shilo (Milo's mom), Plato and Maui are at the base.
I have a brief community announcement for our neighbors in Sunshine. Jack and Donna are hosting a fundraising event at their house next Sunday at 3PM. We need to raise some funds to rebuild Fire Station Number 1. It was destroyed by fire on February 10th. We are also going to show our appreciation to the current fire fighters.
There will be food and beverage. The local band, The Blowtorch Hillbillies, AKA Star Route (this week) will be playing.
Beautiful picture David!!! I wish I could come to your fundraising event!!! I bet it will be fun!!!!
if its going to snow .... snow alot so we can have a snow day:)
Hope you all have a great time on Sunday. Your snow looks picturesque. we had a fresh lot today too. Eve
Hello again........I am sorry to hear the news of the Fire Station. I hope you are able to raise funds for the fire fighters. I'm sure the fire fighters will appreciate that very much.
It was quite a sunny day here in Georgia though....I don't think I would want any snow here I don't think I could take any more cold. We are a bit frozen here when we were going through winter except we didn't get any snow. I'm just glad to have some sunshine. I hope your fundraising goes well.........Let me know how it goes...........Take care.
the pictures are beautiful. I hope you raise money for the fire station.
great pictures - we got snow today in Billings! I hope you raise the money needed
I wish I could be there !!!
Hope you raise a bunch of money !
The pictures are so rained here in indiana all night thunder and lightening the works
Hope you raise a lot of money!!!
Beautiful pictures, David.. but.......... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Looks cold! lol
The pictures are gorgeous. They make me wish I could come to your fund raising event. Pennie
I hate when you share pictures . . . I get so jealous of my surroundings . . . Ohio Valley blech. . . . Sunshine Colorado lovely!
Amanda :)
Wow, the pics are just gorgeous! Good luck at the fund raiser! GBU, Shelly
Sorry that happened David and good luck raising the money.
The pictures are always so beautiful.
How beautiful, David! I can't even imagine getting up to such scenery every day. Wishing you lots of luck and lots of money during your fundraiser. Chris
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