Oh my goodness....The Blowtorch Hilbillies changed their name again! That drummer needs a haircut.
These posters are showing up all over Boulder this week!
I'm back from Arizona. Harry and Audie (FIL & MIL) went to spend some time in their Arizona house. I went down to help them hook up their Dish Network, computer and phone line. By the time I arrived, my son Michael, had it all done! It was a good excuse to find some warm weather and a little sun anyway. While we were there we went shopping at the Apache Junction Flea Market and spent half a day walking around Ikea, a hugh store full of merchandise from Sweden. What fun!!!!
(Late entry) I love the desert in the spring. The Saguaro look so majestic, the Cholla add texture, the Ocotilla with their red flowers, the Prickley Pear and Centry Plants, the Yucca and the Palo Verde, the Mesquite and the Desert Scotch Bloom. They add so much beauty to the dry soil.
After 10 chemo sessions, the tumor is growning, not shrinking. We were hoping for better news. There is a Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. It's time for a second opinion. We are hoping the change in climate will do some good. We hope to see them again sometime towards the end of May. (There is almost as much hoping going on around here as there is praying)
Milo was happy to see us walk in the door at 2:30 this morning. We will resume our morning walks tomorrow.
Keep smiling! David
Welcome home. Glad the trip was safe !
Welcome back:) glad your MIL is going to go to the mayo clinic,have a good week
welcome back and hope you enjoyed the sun. I will be praying.
Welcome back David. Sorry to hear about your MIL.
Thanks for the kind words last night !!!
So sorry to hear about Mil...I must have missed more than I realised when my Pc was out of action for a few days a while ago....just read your other journals to catch up. Prayers from this end too. Eve
I'm glad your trip went well, but call me shelfish, I'm glad your back! LOL
You're back! You're back!
I like Blowtorch Hillbillies . . . they should stick with that, it has such a calming ring to it. :)
There is much hoping and praying coming my way to your family.
Take Care and keep us smiling!
Amanda :)
Wow David!!! What a beautiful picture!!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic
Sorry to hear about your MIL...keep the faith...my BF's mother's lymphoma was out of control. She never had a test with no tumors for six years. A month ago, the test came back totally clean.
The desert is lovely, absolutely. Glad you enjoyed yourself. LOL..love the pic of the band. Yep, get that drummer a hair cut. Give Milo a hug...Chris
I am adding her to my prayers... so many to pray for, but prayer is good for all. Bea
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