Thursday, April 6, 2006

Signs of Spring


I can not grow roses at this altitude but the Columbine love it here.  These are last summers colors.

Milo and I headed down the drive way at 7:10 this morning.  For some reason, Malcom would not go out the front door.  That is usually a sign the the Mt. Lion has been around.  If that was so, Milo would have stayed in also.  I think Malcom just wanted to sleep a little more.  We stopped at the flag pole, raised the flag and honored our service men and their families.  There are 18 names on my list now.  I have been asked how I get the dogs to sit at attention.  It's easy.  I keep a pocket full of treats.  They know they will get a treat if they "sit" while I raise the colors.  We have some new neighbors that live just below the road.  They have a not-so-friendly dog.  This morning it charged at me, showing its teeth, hair on end and tail down.  Not a good situation.  Milo, my protector, took care of the situation.  He thought it wanted to play.  I'll have to share treats with it.  It may take a while but we will  become friends.

When we returned home, a cold wind started to blow.  It's 30 degrees colder today than yesterday.  I walked by the garden and noticed a subterranean prelude.  The rhubarb is starting to show it's red tops.  A sure sign spring is here.



Anonymous said...

Another lovely photo, David.
You`ll have that other dog sitting at attention in no time! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the flowers !!


Anonymous said...

yes they say snow oh no only if we get a snow day lol


Anonymous said...

such beautiful pictures

Anonymous said...

those flowers are beautiful :)
i sure hope spring is around the corner for you guys no more snow like last time
hope all is well
and that dog doesnt growl at you and milo tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Those columbine blow my mind.  I have never seen such large and beautiful ones in my life.  I'm really not sure what grows that well in western Pa.  Chris

Anonymous said...

I had never seen a columbine flower... they are beautiful. I'm going to post more of my North Carolina spring time photos today. Come by and visit.  bea

Anonymous said...

I LOVE roses, but I must say these Columbines are sure lovely. Taking  walks with my dog around the neighborhood, looking at all the neighbors yards and flowers is so relaxing. I love the beauty of each season, but flowers really make me smile.
