When Milo and I retruned from our Morning walk, I was greeted with an unpleasent surprise. Standing there, enjoying a breakfast of new columbine flowers was a two point buck! And he ate all but 3 blue flowers! I'm about to give up on any attempt to grow flowers in the mountians.
Firehouse news. I attended the board meeting for the Sunshine Fire Protection District last evening. They voted to rebuild fire station #1 after a fire totally gutted the building. They have until August 6th to acquire the building permit.
Other community news. There will be a pot luck supper at the schoolhouse on Friday, June 16, starting at 6PM. Please bring a something to share, a place setting and a beverage. We would also like to ask that you feed your dogs before you come over.
David the trick is to go get blood meal and sprinkle it around the flowers. let me know if it helps
No picture of the deer??? You must have been mad !
Oh those flowers are just beautiful! Too bad you didn't get a shot of the deer... lol with the camera I mean!
be well,
Those are some beautiful flowers. What are they? I've never seen such pretty flowers. I would have been mad at that deer too. That's really great news about the fire house. Happy to hear it
~ Marina
Damn deer . . . need me to drive my car to Colorado and hit 'em for ya? :-P
Take care, smiling . . . and how about those Reds, that's like what? 6 in a row now? :-D
P.S. -> Thank you for such a sweet note yesterday.
I'll be there for the potluck. Sorry about the buck eating all the flowers.
So sorry about your flowers. :(
Potluck sounds good!
Have a good weekend.
Now that's a shame that those beautiful columbines got eaten. I've never seen columbine like that in Pa. or even close to that size and beauty. The deer eat a lot of my neighbors flowers and shrubs. They have avoided mine so far. Must be that brown thumb of mine. Pot lucks are my favorites. Have a good weekend, David. Chris
Hi there! Thanks for your kind comments on my AOL Journal. I have enjoyed reading your journal as well. Have a delightful day!
I see deer in my backyard, but haven`t had a problem with them eating our flowers. You can hardly blame them for doing so, they are so beautiful. :0)
that pic of flowers is beautiful! vicky
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