Milo, Wain, Mark and David (me) with the new "Garrison" flag
Milo and I started our morning walk just after 7am. Fall is in the air. It was a chilly 45 degrees. We raised the flag and honored the soldiers. As we continued down the road, Bob approached us in the school bus. He stopped just long enough to open the door and throw Milo a treat. He was running a little late (or I was early), I don't usually see him heading into Sunshine. Milo and I made it to the fork and turned around.
We heard the sound of a tractor approaching. As it rounded the turn in the road, we recognized our "Mayor", Chris. He's not really the mayor because Sunshine in not incorporated, but we all call him that. It's like I'm the sheriff but only because our house is built on top of the old Sunshine jail. You never know what Chris is going to say but you can always count on one thing, he will have a story.
Chris and I got on the topic of smoking. He use to be a heavy smoker and one day, he just quit. People he worked with used to ask him for a "smoke" and he would gladly share whatever cigarettes he had. Even after he quit, others would ask him for a "smoke". For some reason, he felt obligated to continue to carry a pack with him, just to give them away to others. He grew tired of supplying others with the nasty little things but wasn't sure how to stop people from asking for a "smoke". One day he had an idea and put the package of cigarettes inside his pants. To the very first person who asked of a cigarette, he was more than happy to reach under his belt, deep down into his pants and produce the package of cigarettes. He tapped the package against his hand and offered a protruding cigarette to the person. The gentleman politely declined. Word got around and Chris was never again asked for a cigarette.
We should have the results of the "Battle of the Bands" next week. There is one more competing band playing this coming Friday.
Loved the cigs deep in the pants!! LOL I have never smokes, but I realize what a hard habit is it ti quit.
You haven't been visiting me lately David, I miss you coming by.
Have a great day & tell Milo hi for me!
Hugs, Sugar
Hi David,
Love the crystal blue skies that you live under. Your 'mayor' Chris must be a very interesting character.
By the way - did you ever get a chance to check out the titles of your Oxford professor pal's books for me?
How funny! Love the cigg story, love the picture on top too
~ Marina
Haha..I love the cig story!!
What beautiful sky. A chilly 45, I would love that.
I love the cig story.
LOL! Well, that's certainly one way to discourage people from asking for a smoke!
The sky is so beautiful where you are David. So blue! And, 45 degrees?? Oh man.. we seldom if ever see that temp.. even in the winter, here in Southern California. I cannot wait for winter temps to get here! That would be about 65 or 70. Sure beats these 100+ temps every darn day!
Great photo, the sky looks so blue, We can feel fall in the air too here in NY..,wont be long.
nice pic unbelivable how fast fall is coming upon us good luck with battle of the bands fingers crossed Vicky
yep fall is here early:) gotta love the weather here in Colorado:) so what does janice think of the new system? just wondering if things are going ok at her school? things are starting to work at ours
love the Chris stories; most importantly, glad Chris quit smoking; best gift he can give himself.
Yep; fall is around the corner; can even feel it in the air in sunny warm California :)
LOL! That's a great story, Dave! Good picture too......I got a kick out of sheriff
Chris? That's what you call him? LOL Only in Sunshine, right? ~Diane~PS: hugs &
kisses to Milo; had to put my Nikki to sleep last week.....she's the beagle mix I
said looked very much of Milo? Hope to have some photo's to post this weekend sometime.
funny story, I don't think I would want a cigarette anymore either If I saw that. LOL. Good luck with the battle ot the bands. Love the picture.
i dont think i would want a smoke from his underwear either
good way to quit
hope you have a good night
i think it is so beautiful there
i love your pictures
Your friend, Chris, is a clever dude! ROFL.
That is so funny! I could never be so bold.
Where are you?
David hello........
I am happy to report if you haven't heard already that you and your journal were mentioned in a journal titled "Wanderer" as one of the writer's picks. I saw that the writer of the journal mentioned your journal so I thought I would pop in and tell you. Its nice to see that your journal is being acknowledged I should make a note of your journal in my next entry. Take care David. I wish I was there in person to tell you. Anyway......Have a good one.
Hi David,
I enjoyed your entry, toooo funny!! It reminded me of my little Granddaughter, Hannah, who is two. I was babysitting her a couple of days ago and she picked up my compact (makeup), and put it in the front of her diaper! When I asked her why she did that, she told me she was putting it away in her "pocket" !! We had a wonderful vacation in Colorado, hated to leave that wonderful weather and come back to hot old Texas! (ha) Have a great weekend.
Take Care,
Hi, I'm wondering if Milo was named after the dog on Jim Carrey's The Mask?? He looks like him. That cigarette story is funny, my dad quit smoking 2 packs a day, when I was 12, I asked him to quit, and he did.... Cold Turkey!!! I love him for that!!!
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