Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Labor Day in Sunshine

First we need to talk about the color of the sky (please see the comments in the previous post).  For the first 18 years of my life, I thought the beautiful blue color of the sky was something universal in the world.  It wasn't until I left for Army Basic Combat Infantry Training at Fort Lost in the Woods (Ft. Leonard Wood), Missouri in July of 1966, that I found out different.  Even on a clear day in Missouri, you could not see the pure blue sky.  With the lack of humidity in the western US, several things happen.  The sky is a beautiful clear blue.  There are so many stars at night that the big dipper gets lost in them and the milky way is easily seen.  Your skin also dries out.  Wrinkles appear. Oh, and I love touching the metal door knob in the winter....It zaps you good!  I get to see that blue sky about 300 days a year.

There were lots of Labor day barbecues in Sunshine.  It seems like the "flat landers" like to drive to the mountains for the holidays.  For those of us who actually live where others like to vacation, we have our own way of enjoying ourselves.  We had a pot luck picnic, played mountain volleyball and pitched horse shoes.  A great time was had by all.  Mountain volleyball adds a new dimension to the game.  If you hit the ball out of bounds, and down hill......It takes a few minutes to retrieve the ball.  Time enough to retire off the court and grab a quick drink.  I will admit that I am feeling some sore muscles today.

The next events are the Community fest on Saturday, September 30th and the Arts and Crafts fair at the School house on Saturday, September the 23rd.  John and Kat are getting married on the 23rd and the entire neighbor hood is invited to their Post wedding party.  It will be held at the Spread Eagle Lodge, starting at 2PM and going until the beer runs out.


Anonymous said...

Yes your skies are stunning David. You are lucky in where you live,

Anonymous said...

If I can't see blue sky like that here, at least I can see it in your pictures!! How absolutely wonderful to have it 300 days a year! And I think I've said it before but the volleyball game in the mountains is great ~ I'd love to play it there :-) One of the truly wonderful things about J'Land is getting to see these beautiful places, and meeting people like you too, of course!
hugs Debbie ~xxxx~

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time this weekend!!!! I worked!!!!! Ugh!!!! Looks like Milo was on the court too!!!! LOL.... http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

glad you had a good day:) fall is here been chilly and the folks had frost this morning ugh.... have a good week


Anonymous said...

Hi David !!!!!!!

I really liked the picture with your entry it would make anyone smile. Even though I had a really great Labor Day with my family I wish I could have taken a little ride down to your neck of the woods. I would have enjoyed the pot luck picnic, the mountain volleyball and the horse shoes. I wish I could come for the Community fest and the fair it all sounds wonderful. I wish I lived in Sunshine, Colorado with all of those great activities. Work and things keep me here in Georgia. Well at least I get to enjoy your journal and read about what's going on in your neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing this. Byyyyyye for now.

Anonymous said...

Love the tag! Sounds like a great time at the picnic I love doing things like that with family and friends have a great week Vicky :)

Anonymous said...

YW David
Sounds like a fun September for you
Hope you have a blast at both!!
~ Marina

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a wonderful Labor Day for you and yours, David.  Pittsburgh was a washout..literally and cold..55 degrees all weekend.  I'm not too hopeful that the Steelers are going to do too well.  Ben with the appendix out and Hines Ward injured.  Think Cowher should have retired when he was on the top.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I was near you to come for a visit.  <<sigh>>

be well,