Thursday, September 7, 2006

One Year Journaling


My front can actually see four neighbors houses, the school house and Denver International Airport!

It's been one year since I decided to no longer just read journals (yes, I started as a lurker) but to join in on the fun.  It was somewhat of a scary venture for me.  The only people who ever read any of my stories were my teachers in school and my wife.  I pondered over the "public - private" selection and said, what the heck, why not... nobody will ever read this stuff anyway.  And for the few few weeks, nobody did!  I sent my link to some close friends who had moved to England.  They said "thank you" for attempting to keep them informed on what was going on in the old neighborhood.

I found that I enjoyed writing in this format, but did not expect, but a few, for anyone to read my thoughts.  I left Dad a few comments and occasionally left my link.  Then two independent things happened.  First, Deb pimped me!  I had never been pimped before but took it in stride.  I wasn't sure what was going to happen when "you're pimped" but I'm a brave soul.  Second, Sharon tagged me and I had to publicly answer some questions about myself to a bunch of strangers.  I knew I was in trouble when I mentioned that I like to shovel snow in sub-zero weather.   At that point Sharon said she knew I was crazy.  More and more of the most wonderful people I have ever met started leaving comments in my journal.  I would like to thank each and every one of you for joining me on this little venture.  I hope you have enjoyed being in this community as much as I have.

I have tried to keep to my 30 second rule.  I have tried to keep my time with you to a minimum, and offer something other than a complaint, criticism or condemnation. I have enjoyed bringing you into our community and home.  I hope you have enjoyed the visit.  I would like to re-print that first entry and reflect on the last year.

Milo (My mixed breed mutt) and I started our morning walk around 7AM.  The morning sky was still pink, following a spectacular sunrise. After waving good-bye to the wife and son, we walked down the long driveway onto the main road.  We stop at the Sunshine school house every morning and raise the American flag.  The School house was built in 1900 and is no longer used as a school, but as a community gathering place.  This morning the flag went up to full staff and then down to half-staff in memory of Chief Justice William Rehnquist.  This will continue until Sunset, Tuesday, Sept 13th.  Milo was rewarded with a doggy biscuit and we marched on.  We passed the spot where we were greeted by a black bear a few weeks before and walked to the fork.  On the way back, the school bus passed us.  Bob, the driver, usually has a treat for Milo, but not this morning.  He just waved and kept going.  Milo usually sits when he hears the school bus coming. He knows there is going to be a treat.  This morning, I gave him one out of my own pocket.

My mother and father in-law live with us in the summer.  They are "snow-birds" and move to Arizona in the late fall, and return in May.  My mother-in-law, Audie, was just diagnosed with Cancer.  She is in good spirits.

Sunday morning the community is gathering at the school house at 6:30 AM.  We will ring the bell and raise the flag, all in remembrance of 9-11.  The bell will ring once at 6:45 and then again at 7:03, the times the planes hit the world trade center.

Milo and I still walk every day.  The flag goes up everyday.  Bob is still driving the school bus and gives Milo a treat.  Audie left us last month after a courageous battle with cancer.  The community will be joining together again on Monday, 9-11, for a flag raising ceremony.  Life in Sunshine continues.

Smiles to all,

David and Milo


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on your 1 yr Anniversary in J-Land!!!
I'll be reaching my 1 yr next month! ;)
Hugs to you & family,

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary,David!  Alot of changes over the past year; some good; some sad; but its been a privilege to read your journal. Looking forward to many more entries to come


Anonymous said...

Hi David,

Congratulations on your first anniversary of your journal.  It's always such a pleasant place to visit.  That pic on your first entry of your view is incredible!  

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 1 year of journaling David! :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats's to many more years!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on 1 yr:) its fun here in j-land huh lol glad i found your journal. when i first started to read your journal i thought he will never respond to me hahaha Its FRIDAY!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the one year mark...and so happy you joined all of us.  Love the pretty...peaceful...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Hey Dav, nice pic. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pic! Congrats on the one year mark. I am glad you decided to journal I really enjoy your stories take care Vicky :)

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed your journal from the moment I first came across it. You are an interesting writer with a fascinating story to tell. Your photos are always beautiful and I am enjoying getting to know you better through your journal. Congratulations on your journal's first anniversary. I hope that you will keep writing for a long time to come,

Anonymous said...

Hi David,
I look forward to reading your journal everyday, It helps me to remember Colorado, the types of people who live there, and of corse YOU. You write very well, and I love the stories. Keep it up, would sorely miss it if you gave it up. It's the best way to keep in touch, and with busy lives most of have, Sunshine is a great place to read about each day. Stay happy and healthy and don't forget to give Milo a kiss on the mouth for me.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful entry!  I'm so pleased to know you and to read about your life and times in Sunshine.  Congrats on 1 year!  GBU, Shelly

P.S.  Love the pic with the rainbow!

Anonymous said...

Hello David......

I love the view especially the rainbow.......I lovvvvvvvvvve rainbows. Anyway....I have to say that I am glad that you are here at J-Land. I am a huge fan of your journal and I enjoy reading about your day to day life in Sunshine, Colorado. I hope that you stay here at J-Land for a long time to come. I am very glad that you made your journal public instead of private you are a very interesting person. I am enjoying getting to know you. I am reading your journal and I often come by for a visit. I would like to thank you for keeping us all informed on your life especially since I have NEVER been to Sunshine, Colorado. I know that if I were in your neck of the woods I would love to meet you in person. Through your journal I have come to know you little by little and I hope that your life at J-Land will remain......Take care my dear friend and I'll be back. Byyyye.

Anonymous said...

It is really amazing the sense of friendship and community we all share. It really is special I think. I too had no idea what I was getting into when I started my journal nearly two years ago!  Glad to know you!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Your picture is beautiful, Congratulation on your 1 year journal. one thing I can say, I'm glad you made your letters BIGGER..... these old eyes can't see small any       DIANE,  N.H

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I found your journal ! It was probably thru  Deb now that I think about it ! But happy one year in J-land!
take Care

Anonymous said...

Hi David :-) Congratulations on one year journalling!! I love your journal, your beautiful pictures and views, hearing all about you and Milo with your lovely walks!! I've been pimped too, a very strange, but hugely enjoyable experience!! Long may you continue to journal :-)
hugs Debbie ~xxx~

Anonymous said...

David, your journal is a delight.  I'm not sure who "pimped" you first for me.  Sharon or Deb?  Sharon, what can I say?  Zany...gotta love her and I do miss her entries now that she works crazy shifts.  Deb, sweet as an angel.  Love the rainbow...keep entertaining and give Milo a big hug for me.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Hi David,
Thanks for leaving a comment in my journal.  That prompted me to yours and it is awesome.  I loved the comment about how you you used to be a lurker. hahahaha.  That is how I felt.  Then I too decided to go for it and now I really am happy  to being a part of J-Land.
I am definately adding you to my favorites and alerts.

Anonymous said...

David, I am so glad you started this journal. I have enjoyed it so much!
I started a new one and have included you in my sidebar. :)
Take care and God bless-

Anonymous said...

Happy one year anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I found you through Deb and I am so glad I did.  If I can't live there, I can at least keep up through Deb and you.  That is an awesome rainbow pic.  I got a good one at Heritage Square.  It was actually a triple rainbow, but because of the kind of camera I had, it only looks like a double.  ::sigh::  Congrats and please keep journaling.  I love hearing about Colorado and wish I still lived there, it was truly the happiest time in my life.

