Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Snowy Morning

Milo and I arose early this morning.  We knew we had to climb out of the nice warm bed.  The snowstorm that started just after dark yesterday was still going this morning.  There was work to be done before we could start down the driveway.  Eight inches of beautiful white snow greeted us as we opened the front door.  I grabbed the snow shovel as Milo bounced off the porch.  I shoveled a path to the car, opened the drivers side door and started the engine.  As the car warmed up, I scraped the ice from the windows and swept the snow from the bright red finish of my wife's car. 

Just as I was moving the car the the front door, Jan opened the front door, purse, bag and lunch all in hand.  She was followed by Mike. The snow was a big change for Mike.  He spent the Thanksgiving holiday on the big island of Hawaii and just returned home yesterday.  Jan gave me a good-bye kiss and hopped in the warm automobile.  A few seconds later she and Mike took off down the driveway, leaving Milo and I in the middle of the parking lot.

Milo and I worked our way down the snow covered driveway and out onto the freshly plowed road.  We made it to the flag pole and raised the flag to the top.  The school bus approached but did not stop as usual.  Bob, our normal driver will be off work for the rest of the calendar year.  He is having prostrate surgery today.  Damn cancer!  Our prayers are with him.  Milo and I returned to the house.  Safely inside, we put another log on the fire and fixed breakfast.  There is nothing like a warm fire, hot chocolate and oat meal on a cold, snowy winter day.


Anonymous said...

Oh, what an gorgeous morning you have going on over there. . .
       We've just got a rainy dull kinda day over this way, but they say snow for Friday. :)

Enjoy your day, watch out for the ice - it slips - oh wait, that's just me in my heels on ice not the ice its self.


Amanda :)

Anonymous said...

Great picture, great description.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pic. Your entry sounds perfect!!! Hugs to our friend Milo, Woof from my girls. {{ }}
Prayers for the bus driver who has ca.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture...I hope you frame it!  Snow - YUK!!!  It's 73 in beautiful sunny NC....sorry!

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!   Looks so cold, David!!!  

Stay warm and cozy!


Anonymous said...

Oh My. I don't know if I am ready for snow yet. We have been very lucky here in Maine this year. Tomorrows high is supposed to reach 60. Very unusual. Enjoy that warm fire.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a perfect day in your neighborhood. here it has been warm and rain but its starting to cool off as I write this and we may be getting snow here in Wisconsin by the end of the week too. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful.  Love the picture.  
We may get some snow tonight.  I hope so.  


Anonymous said...

ok next time you keep it up in your neck of the woods ok? LOL the roads this morning were awful people forget how to drive when its snowy and icey. stay warm my friend stay warm


Anonymous said...

I wish some of that snow would come this way. Didn't you just have a snowy winter a few months ago? LOL... seems like it. I'm jealous. Sorry to hear about your friend the bus driver... we should all pray for him. bea

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous...snow, hot Hopefully you can share some, and send it our way. Cancer sucks..plain and simple...always lurking somewhere in the shadows....we can only hope and pray they find a way to stop it.
Hope turkey day was good. take care,

p.s. Tell Milo hello

Anonymous said...

Hi ! I sure wish I could have been there. I would love to see some snow. We never get any snow here in Georgia. I wish I were in your neck of the woods to see it. I would love to see 8 inches of snow. I would like to be there for that hot chocolate I love hot chocolate. Thanks for sharing your snow with me even though I wish I could grab some snow and make a snowball your journal is the next best thing. Take care.

Anonymous said...

The snow does look lovely, David, but you can keep it in Colorado for a while.  Sheesh, every time you turn around, someone is diagnosed with cancer anymore.  I'll keep Bob in my prayers.  Chris

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous..that picture looks great. I'm praying for  Bob to be ok.
Take Care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

oh the pic is beautiful love the snow but am enjoying the mild weather we are having. sorry, for bob  Vicky

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture.  That is so nice of you to warm up the car for your wife.  I hope you guys still have a beautiful wonderland, but no problems with getting out or driving.  We are just getting rain and high winds here, so far, but we're expecting some snow; nothing like what is going on around us, though.  

Anonymous said...

What great pictures of a perfect winter day in Colorado.  We only had a skiff in Arizona.  My best to all.  Marilyn

Anonymous said...

I have a cabin up in the mountains I am planning on visiting for the weekend. I crave the sight you have posted and described in your entry. There is something peaceful and serene about snow such as this. I have my fingers crossed my cabin is completely buried in snow~

Anonymous said...

Oh wow...I can't imagine that much snow...LOL.  Here in TN we usually get a dusting here or there.  Sometimes we will get a good 3 or 4 inches.  I love snow long as nothing important has to happen.
Hope all is well at your place.  
Oh and that moon was extraordinary this month...huge and beautiful.  My daughter and I were actually commenting about the moon back when it was a full moon - or may have been the day after, on the drive home from school.  We actually hit all those points about the moon that you just mentioned.  So I'm thinking we have some "open minds" ourselves, maybe we are sales folks.  LOL.  I think one of us said something about the moon rising...and then we laughed and said, that is not really the case...and it went on from there spilling forth facts and talking about the moon.  Have a nice Christmas and I guess you are continuing to see some snow?  I've not watched the Weather Channel.  I keep it on as back ground noise but haven't paid attention. LOL.