Thursday, January 18, 2007

Here comes round five


Milo, my lovely wife Janice and Malcom below zero

Milo and I are not going very far on our morning walk.  Things freeze very fast when the temperature drops below zero.  I was telling Milo that we would have to do most of our walking on the treadmill until it warms up a bit.  I think he understood because his paws were getting cold.  I also told him that many of our j-land buddies are having to put up with the cold temperatures too.  He wagged his tell, letting me know that he understood.  At least we have snow and not ice. 

I am having trouble with my electronic toys.  The other day I lost my work computer (Hard Drive failure), my sons computer and our TIVO unit.  They all went out within twenty minutes of each other.  Makes me wonder if we were having power surges of brown outs.  To top it all off, my wireless Internet Service Provider (ISP) decided to change out their hardware and not tell any of their customers.  I thought my internal wireless Netgear router had gone haywire......the LED's were flashing like crazy.  After several frantic calls to IonSky (not a single one returned), I decided to contact the competition.  I received a quote and was about to place the order for new service when the network came back up and everything started to work perfectly.  I will stay with them but they are on a very short leash, if you know what I mean.

Round five of our weekend storms is on it's way.  We are suppose to receive a "one- two punch" on Saturday and Sunday.  I was hoping for a relatively nice day on Saturday.  Janice and I need to drive up to Cheyenne to see my brother.  He is in the hospital. 

Will the snow ever end?  Or even melt?

Until  next time, happy trails partner!



Anonymous said...

David, you have a lovely wife. Know wonder we get along, she's a redhead too!!
You all be careful in that wintery weather. We are supose to be getting, freezing rain today. I hope not. Would love to see snow, but not that ice. But can't complain, we have had such spring time weather so far this winter. So, I have to count my blessings.  Have a nice day.
your friend,
Liz in Va.

Anonymous said...

We're expecting anothr one this weekend! :(
Ice still everywhere!

Anonymous said...

We had some snow in Scotland today David. Not as much as you though to judge by that lovely picture! Hope your brother is not too unwell and that you manage to visit him soon,

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures you post.  We have received alittle snow, but mostly ice and cold weather.  I think we are going to get snow this weekend, but maybe not as cold.   Keep warm.


Anonymous said...

Hope your brother is ok. Your wife is a cutie! Stay warm :) v

Anonymous said...

ok this time keep it up your way or better yet take it with you to wyoming hahahaha stay warm


Anonymous said...

Still no snow in New York. Stay warm!
Take Care

Anonymous said...

Hey, David, we got round one of our winter storm this morning. My pictures are not as spectacular as yours... but I did post a picture this morning of our ... rather meager..... snowfall. It whispered its way into our early morning hours sometime between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. By end of day it was all mush. But it was snow! I didn't have time to take many pictures before I was on my way to school. bea

Anonymous said...

We're due some wintry weather over the weekend, but knowing our Atlantic position are unlikely to get any white stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh be careful driving up to Cheyenne!  I hope you don't get clobbered too badly with new snow!

be well,

Anonymous said...

wow. we have only had 1 inch of snow here in jersey so far!  lol your wife is a very beautiful lady

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!  I hope your brother is okay and that you get to go up to see him.

Anonymous said...

Sure seems suspicious that all the electronics went at once.  I would suspect a surge.  I also would have been frantic and clueless if my things were flashing.  I would be calling Becky.  I love how the servers just change things at will.  I would keep that leash very short.  Wow, I am so behind.  Your Janice is a lovely lady.  Chris

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo of your wife and the fur babies.  My Fax went out on me while we lived there.  I touched it one day about to make a call, and the static killed it.  Now that I do not miss!  Everytime I touched a light switch or something metal, I got shocked, lol.

