Milo and I enjoyed our morning walk in the cool mountain air. The sky was clear. Milo bounced down the driveway. We could finally get to the flag pole without walking on ice and snow. My dog is so funny...he sits at attention while I raise the flag. I reminded Milo that the spaghetti feed is this Sunday....he wagged his tail. I also told him about the eclipse of the moon that will be happening Saturday night. It begins early and will be about half over by the time the moon rises here in Colorado. The folks in the British Isles (if the sky is clear) will enjoy the experience, as will our friends on the east coast of the US.
The re-build of our fire station #1 is coming along well. Here's a couple of pictures.
And as a reminder of the fire last year:
Taken the morning after the fire.
The fire
The station is coming along nicely.
Oh gosh, I didn't realize the firestation had burned! I hope no one was hurt. We were out of town and I'm so behind on alerts.....I bet you and your family and Milo are all happy there isn't so much snow so you can go for walks again. We loved our trip to CO. last year, it's such a beautiful state!
Take Care,
Hey David, Haven't heard from you in awhile. Glad you are thawing out there. Milo is such a smart dog. You've taught him well. The firestation looks great in its progress. It's kind ironic that a firestation would burn down. How did that happen do they know? Well sweety take care.
Love ya,
Liz in Va.
So good to read about you and Milo out for your walks! my poor Luke's leg had really been botheirng him so I had to keep him off it all week. Man that was a real task ha!
Hi there ! The firehouse is really coming along great !
Did you get the link to my new journal? havent seen you there yet, have I ?
Take Care
Glad to hear from you!! You have been too quiet and I have missed you! Wow the firehouse really is coming along great!
Hope your family is doing well...
be well,
Nice to hear you and Milo are back out walking! He sounds a clever dog! The pics of the fire station look glad for you that the station is coming along well. Enjoy the rest of your week.
I'm glad you were able to enjoy the morning! Hope your weather stays clear.
i wish we were able to have a dog in our new house...i'm jealous of your walks with milo lol
give him a pet for me and miss o :)
The snows finally melting??~~
I figured you guys would be buried until May :o)
I would love to witness an eclipse, now I'm wondering if Idaho might get a peek. We're not that far away.........
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Your fire station burnt down!!! Does anyone else find that funny?
ok for some reason i am not getting alerts grrrrr dumb AOL!
The fire station is really moving along well, David. Did Milo get any spaghetti?
We couldn't glimpse the eclipse at all north of Pittsburgh. It was snowing and the cloud cover was too thick although Becky was tickled pink being south in Pittsburgh. She was able to view it. Chris
As I am wandering through the journals I came across yours. Since I too am a dog lover, and love my many walks with my little lovable mutt, and have never been been to Colorado I ventured a peek at your journal. Beautiful pictures. Living in Florida I don't get to see the fall, and winter scenes, so love to enjoy them through others pictures. I know I will enjoy reading some of your older entries, so I will be back to visit.
Stoppin' by to say hi. Hope you all are getting some warming temps by now. We are in the 70's today and a good part of the week. Woo Hoo.
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