Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lake Norman


4th hole, par 3 Lake Norman Country Club

Milo, Malcom and I took our daily morning walk on this cool, crisp spring day.  It snowed last evening.  I wasn't very happy about seeing the white stuff but I do live at 7,000 feet above sea level.  Janice and I had tickets to see Celtic Woman at Red Rocks Amphitheater last night.  It was raining when we left.  It was still raining when we arrived just in time for them to close the gates, keeping anyone for driving into the parking lot.  The show has been postponed until June 28th or a 2nd added show on June 29th.

Milo was a little miffed at me last week.  I left him again for a trip to North Carolina.  I was invited to spend my birthday with my best friend, Chris.  Our birthdays are close (His is today 5/24) and we try to celebrate them together.  We had a great time together.  I was lucky enough to meet a fellow j-lander.  Sharon, from Golf and Other Stuff, drove up from South Carolina and spend a day with Chris, his wife and myself.  We all loaded onto Chris's boat and spent the day on Lake Norman.  Sharon is a lot of fun to be around and kept us laughing. (even though she thinks I am 10-47).  The day ended  way to soon.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend.



Anonymous said...

Yea it was fun David!!! It was a pleasure meeting you and your friends!!! Thanks for including me in your day!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like alot of fun! :o)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time!

Be well,

Millie :)

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous !! I want to go hang with you all out on the lake !
Sounded like a great time !  Now, I want to know what a 10-47 is , I assume it's police lingo.
Be well.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous over the Celtic Woman thing but I enjoy North Carolina every day of the year!  Eat your heart out!

Anonymous said...

Awww.. thanks for sharing!!!  The golf course is beautiful... So Milo was more upset than your kids or wife huh?  That is how it goes around here too!

be well,

Anonymous said...

you can keep the snow up your way ok? lol have a great weekend:) glad you got to meet Sharon


Anonymous said...

Oh how fun that you all got to spend the day together!  Sharon is a hoot!!!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Celtic Woman sounds like the kind of performance my husband and I would enjoy. We are Enya fans. I don't think I've ever been to Lake Norman. But it's a pretty big lake. We've driven past it several times, but have not yet taken our boat there. You've been doing quite a bit of traveling these days. I look forward to retirement... then we plan to travel and see our country. We were thinking RV, but with gas prices, I don 't like the idea of paying a fortune to drive about from state to state. It's a few years away, yet. Have a great weekend, David. bea

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time.  Happy belated birthday. And hope you have a good holiday today.

Anonymous said...

I did read in Sharon's journal that you two had met.  I couldn't think of two JLander's that I would love to meet in person as you two.  Glad she got out and enjoyed herself finally.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day (late)  How cool that you met Sharon.  She is  such a nice person.  I talk to her on IM once in awhle.  A day on the boat is always refreshing.  Sounds like you had a great time.  :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so cool you got to meet Sharon.  She is a gem.  Sounds like you all had a great time and happy belated birthday.  My daughter turned 15 on the 23rd.  My nephew will turn 16 on June 8th.  Hubby and his twin brother will turn 52 on June 9th.  My MIL will turn 78 on June 28th.  We have lots of birthdays in our family around this time of year!  So glad you had such a good time.  My favorite birthday was spent in Colorado in a rented pontoon boat on Shadow Mountain Lake up around the Granby/Grand Lake area with family.  It was a blast.  Have I said how much I miss living there?  ::sniff::

All My Best,
