Food, Food, Food!!!
The Community Fest fund raiser for the fire department was very successful. The weather was beautiful.
Silent auction items
We began serving Food, Beer and soft drinks around 2PM. There was a silent auction with lots of great items on display. The live auction was rather interesting. It usually includes cakes and pies baked by local neighbors. There are usually a couple of "odd" items. This year the "odd" items were a truck load of firewood, and a 1969 Ford Mustang convertible. Hildegard still holds the record for the cake that brought in the highest bid, $1000 two years ago. This year, although it didn't bring in quite as much, she still baked the winner.
Next on the Sunshine agenda is the garage sale at firehouse #1 next Saturday and the annual Sunshine Arts & Craft fair at the schoolhouse.
I have been struggling with my desire to write any more. I've shared most of my stories and quite frankly, don't have much more I want to say. I have only one story about my connection to the old west but I have hesitated writing it. It's about Tom Horn, Geronimo and my association with the man that stood next to Tom when he was hung, T Joe Cahill (the last hanging in Cheyenne in 1903). I hesitate because I am very sensitive to the manner in which the American natives were murdered and forced to surrender to the army. To this day, I believe man belongs to the land, the land does not belong to man. I don't want to offend any of those who still read my entries by telling the story.
I want to thank you for hanging in there with me. I'm sure I will add a few more entries as the mood strikes for now Milo and I will continue to walk everyday (as long as I am able), wave to Bob the bus driver and raise the flag. (I hope some will continue to raise the flag after I'm gone) I will try to add items that pertain to Sunshine and the things going on in the community. I still want to keep our neighbors that have left up to date on "things going on in sunshine".
Please give your family all the love you can and watch out for the bears.
you sound sad for some reason..... I hope you find lots more to write about.... I think you probably wrote enough already just today about the hanging.... I never tire of your daily exercise and flag raising and your beautiful pictures.... don't go too far.... take care,
I hope there is no hidden reason for not writing. I am concerned now.
I love your stories of your town. I would love also to come visit someday.
Be well my friend.
Enjoyed your account of the fundraiser - I'm sure there are more stories where all those came from. What may appear to be the humdrum of daily life to you, is an eye opener on an unknown world to people like, well, me. I hope all is well.
oh what a great turnout! looks like a fun time
i have been wondering why i havent seen many entries...sometimes we all just dont have much to say...but im glad to hear from ya.
hope that you and milo and the rest of your family are well
ok email
I really do hope you continue to write, and that you allow yourself the freedom to share your beliefs and emotions concerning this sensitive subject. I am quite sure I speak for the majority of your readers when I say to you that the words you share here are valued and appreciated ~ no matter the content.
::tossing a bone to Milo.. and a smile to you::
I have always found your writing refreshing, for the simple reason you are real in your feelings and the way you view the world. Yours is one of the truest online friendships I enjoy! As for your story, I hope someday you do tell the tale. I couldn't hug you enough for your sentiments about the land never belonging to man, rather the man belonged to the land. Not everyone is able to understand exactly what that truly means. From a Native perspective, you do us proud. (Hugs) Indigo
Hey David !!!!
I wish I could have been at The Community Fest fund raiser in your neck of the woods I would have enjoyed it and so would my folks. I really would have enjoyed the live auction.
I really wish I could be there to go to the garage sale I love garage sales and fair's. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with a desire to write. I hope that you are not thinking of ending your journal it has been a favorite of mine for quite a while. I love coming to visit and reading about you and your life in Sunshine, Colorado. Perhaps you might want to take a break from J-Land for a while but I hope that we don't end up losing you. I hope that you continue with us at J-Land for some time to come.
Do take care David
David you are a kind soul! I always enjoy your insights and kindness. I understand sometimes not having anyting to write and it is OK!!! I will look forward to when you do write again!
Kara :)
Oh well, I sure hope you do log in and at least say "hi" even if only to give us a glimpse of your weather that week or show a pic of the latest snow storm. I love hearing what's going on in your world. Please don't go.
David did you get any snow? we have had lots of rain here in the valley. Have a good week:)
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