Greetings to all. Milo and I would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We hope all of our friends take a moment and say thanks for all the blessings that surround us each and every day.
Work has resumed on the Sunshine Fire Station #1. After sitting near completion since early spring, Boulder County has decided to allow construction to continue. The issue was the size of the pipe leading from the bathroom to the septic tank. When originally build, a 2" pipe was used. The new code requires a 3" pipe. They also required the construction of a leach field. All of this for a building that is actually used for about 48 hours a year. They have to dig a trench from the fire house, across the road and into a new septic tank. The funny thing is, now it is near the end of November, the ground is frozen. The county couldn't make this decision while it was easy to dig and refill the ground around the building. Anyway, here are a couple of photos.
We are hoping the building can be completed by the 1st of the year.
We have been experiencing the 2nd warmest November in Colorado History. That event has come to a screeching halt tonight. It was in the 60's during the Bronco's football game on Monday night. Tonight it is 23 degrees and snowing. Thank you Lord for the moisture.
Remember what Robert Benchley said. A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.
Be of good cheer,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours David:) and you keep the snow up your way ok no white thanksgiving here lol
Send some snow this way !
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless you and your family.
Be well,
Have a good Thanksgiving, David.
Thats quite a temperature change. As far as the fire station goes, It amazes me that the construction was put to a halt due to the daimeter of a pipe. Why did it take them so long to decide to re-start? What a waste of time and money. The good news is that it will be upa and running.
Thanks for the reminder to count my blessings. I am doing just that. :) Tracy
Happy Thanksgiving! stay warm love vicky :)
Happy Thanksgiving David ~ Ally x
A Very Happy Thanks Giving to you and Milo .re the hold up due to the size of the pipe,thought it was only in the UK they did things like this lol Jan xx
sure is a lot of red tape connected to that pipe...... but it will soon be forgotten when you finally have it finished.... Good Luck on that
May you have a lovable, peaceful, THANKFUL holiday and all the days that follow dear friend! (Hugs) Indigo
Happy Turkey Day there my friend. And as you enjoy your turkey on this very special American holiday, just remember that you are what you eat! <grin>
PS - I am in Florida for Thanksgiving this year where it is sunny and about 84 degrees. Imagine that.
I hope you and yours (and Milo!) enjoyed a peaceful Thanksgiving Day full of smiles and many reasons to give thanks.
And a happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!
Kara :)
So that cold front you had this day rolled through my part of NC late in the evening of the 22nd, and it's still cold today. Dry and cold. windy too. I guess it was the same cold front. Glad you are well. stay warm! bea
The weather is really weird these days. Here in Delaware it is over 60 degrees today. Hope your get your septic in!
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