Thursday, April 3, 2008

Springtime in the Rockies

Sunshine Fire Station #1 nearing completion.

The weather is reminding us that it is Spring.  We received 3" to 4" of snow last night and it melted before I arrived home from work.  We had rain, snow, fog, blue sky, lighting and thunder all in one day.

Milo and I did not walk this morning.  The road was just a little too muddy.  I did stop and raise the flag.  The neighbors are getting use to seeing the flag again.  When we moved out of day-light savings last fall, I would not raise the flag if I could not get home before darkness.  That is not an issue now.

Work is keeping me very busy.  Too busy!  I am finding it hard to sit down and write.  I'm trying to read everybody's journal but gosh....I could spend all day on line.

Please keep Donna and Mary in your prayers.

A couple of calendar notes.  The Rockies play their home opener tomorrow.  My father-in-law is returning from Arizona tomorrow.  He's been gone most of the winter. And...the band is playing at the Outlook Hotel tomorrow night.  Keep the kids off the street.

I am a proud father today.  My oldest son, Nate was just accepted into the school of music at the University of Colorado. His education continues.

Best wishes to all.

"The best sermons are lived, not preached."




Anonymous said...

Loved the picture of th Firehouse ~ sounds like you had all four Seasons in one day ~ Congratulations to Nate I can imaginge how proud you are feeling ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Well done Nate yes of course you are proud of him ,I love the flag idea ,Know what you mean about keeping up with journals ! Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Our spring time here in AZ is bringing temps in the high 80's hehe!  Enjoy the cool spring air.

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Our spring time here in AZ is bringing temps in the high 80's hehe!  Enjoy the cool spring air.

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Greetings from New York David ! Glad to see an entry from you.
Congratulations to your son, how wonderful.
Hope your well, take care

Anonymous said...

Hi David! Spring in Colorado is so beautiful... here in NC, we can't seem to get a grasp on the weather. One day it will be warm and humid, another day it will be wintry cold and cloudy. The trees are budding out, the dogwood blooms are opening, and so are the azaleas. I see signs of life everywhere, except our Cherry tree. My husband thought it had died or was about to die after its last bloom last spring, so he pruned it, and we took a wait and see attitude, hoping it would come back. Alas, it has not. Last time this year it was covered with light pink blossoms, and so beautiful, but this spring the branches are bare. I'm guessing he'll want to chop it down this spring. Gonna miss that beautiful tree. Don't know what caused it to die like that. Good to hear from you again! Yeay spring! bea

Anonymous said...

BTW, congratulations to your son Nate's acceptance into the school of music at UofC... I wish him well. bea

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Nate :) love v

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news about your son.  Sorry I am a "little" late.  Okay, a lot late, lol.   I miss the snow.  ::sigh::

