Tuesday, June 24, 2008


SCSSYYSR---Sunshine Canyon Summer Solstice YaYa Sisterhood Reunion.  An annual event of old friends, all who use to live in the same mountain community of Sunshine, Colorado.  Most have moved away.

Last weekend the family and I celebrated the summer solstice with our friends in the northern mountains of Colorado.  This event has become an annual event.  I posted about the 2006 and the 2007 event.  Janice's brother, Dennis and his wife, Suzi flew in from Hawaii.  The rest drove in from Utah and Colorado.  Most of the folks there read this journal;  I was reminded that I need to post more often.  Here are a few photos.

John, Harry, Bob and Lester ready for the white elephant gift exchange.

Our host's Dale and Terry leveled their old mountain cabin and built a beautiful home on the same foot print.  We still treat their home as if it is a cabin hiding in the forest.  They are off the grid and rely on solar power.  The house filled up and many of us camped out in our tents

My oldest son, Nate setting up his tent.

We had some fun games to play.....Kube and Wacky Ball.

Harry and Dennis playing Wacky Ball.

I can't wait till next year.

Is that a fish in the hot tub?

Dale and I discussing the world's problems (or deciding who will get the next haircut)

Thegame court

They say smoke follows beauty so I got up and moved.

The family enjoying "Ingabobs"

Bob had a comment about Chris' story and Bernie.  I was told that Bernie went back to the east coast 22 years ago.  Bob informed me that it had to be more.  Bernie was gone when Bob and Bebee moved away from Sunshine and that was 24 years ago.  The freezer has been buried and Bernie is still not back.  Ellen, have you seen Bernie and the prune juice posse on the LIE?

Smiles to all,


Anonymous said...

Great pics :) love V

Anonymous said...

What a great solstice celebration.  Good freinds, good food and good times.  Can't ask for more than that.  :)

Anonymous said...

what fun loved the pictures


Anonymous said...

I am very curious after reading your first paragraph, David. Why have your old friends (most of them) moved away from Sunshine? Is there a story (stories) there? Who would want to move away from Sunshine, Colorado? The picture you paint is so friendly and quaint. And what is a white elephant gift exchange? I've never heard of that tradition... but now I'm concerned... maybe I shouldn't have asked..! What are temps like in Colorado these days. It looks sunny and cool in some photos, and warm in others. have a good week! I love reading about your life in Colorado. bea

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a wonderfull time!  What lovely scenery.

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

David,That sure looked like a great party. The beaufitul mountains in the background...great friends, lots of food..yes, I'm jealous !
Take care my friend,

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the get together hon. I think it's awesome that the community has remained so close. (Hugs)Indigo