Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Sunshine October 4 Morning walk

It was chilly this morning as Milo and I took our walk.  A cold front has moved in from the northeast.  Fingers of fog quietly moved up the foothills until it overcame the town of Sunshine.

I found a couple of interesting sites about Sunshine.

Colorado ghost towns:


Sunshine Fire Protection District:



Anonymous said...

Hey David Lee,  That was a great Colorado web site!  I love the list of ghost towns!  Ever since I was a wee lad, I loved it when we would visit a ghost town during our summers in Colorado.  I could imagine the buildings new, the people going here and there, and of course the occasional gun fight (after all I was a kid and John Wayne fan).  I think it would be fun to make sure I visit at least one of the towns on the list every time I am Colorado – learn about the town when it was ‘alive’ and how it became a ghost.  Seeing if there are old photos of the town when it was living and compare to the present day remains sounds like a hoot

Anonymous said...

I will definitely check out the website about the  Ghost towns. I hope to make it to Colorado someday, and I am leaning lots of history and interesting facts from your journal.