Sunday, January 28, 2007

Round six


The flat Irons, west of Boulder

Now that the rest of the country has felt winter's icy finger, our round six does not seem to be such a big deal.  In fact the sixth weekend in a row with snow really was no big deal.  It left us with 3 inches of new snow, most of which was gone by Saturday evening.  We still have 30" to 40" on the ground.  We'll see what next weekend brings. 

I received an e-mail from my friend Chris, in Oxford, England.  He is really excited.  He has a son, Colin, who went to grade school, middle school, high school and Boy Scouts with my son, Nathan.  Colin has just been asked to study at Cambridge University.  We are all very proud of him. 

If you get a chance, go see the movie "Catch and Release" with Jennifer Gardner.  It was filmed here in Boulder.  See if you can find the Celestial Seasonings t-shirt.  The lead guitar player in our band, Steve, is employed by Celestial Seasonings.  Everyone in the company was invited to a private pre-screening.  Steve and Dee said they enjoyed it, although it was a little "hokey" in places.  Not everyone on Pearl Street Mall smiles and acts like they are high all the time; although I will admit, it is a fun place to sit and watch people.

Danny and Jenna invited a rather large group of friends over to their house on Saturday night.  They were hosting a Belgium beer fest.  It was a really good time.  There were people there from all over the US.  He kept the beer cold in his mine tunnel (stays 55 degrees in there).  People were asked to bring a Belgium food dish.  There was a fire going both in the indoor fire places and the outdoor fire pit.  As Janice and I left, we commented on how pretty the snow was with the moonlight sparkling on the snow covered ground.  It was 10 degrees and we didn't feel a thing.

My Father-in-Law has had enough of this winter weather.  He has finished working on our rental house and is heading off to Arizonain the morning.  He packed his golf clubs and doesn't expect to see any more snow this winter.  This will be his first time away since my his wife (my MIL) passed away.  I think he is a little worried about making the trip alone, but we know he will be all right.  The adjustment has been hard on all of us but we are getting through it, one day at a time.

Stay safe and remember not to spit your chew into the wind.


Monday, January 22, 2007

A card from Tom


Round 5....yes ,there is a 4 foot fence in front of the school house

Milo and I had a very nice walk.  I had to dig my way to the flag pole and, of course, Milo wanted to play.  He bounced to the top of the snow drift and chased almost every shovel full of snow.

I received a card from my friend, Tom in Hawaii.  Tom moves back and forth between Figi and Hawaii just as "snowbirds" move between our northern cities and Florida, Texas and Arizona in the winter.  He has been watching the weather and thinking of us; he sent the following:

Ancient Mariner:  The Early Years...

He had just arrived in the Sandwich Islands abroad a Strato Crusier....The height of technology in those days (circa 1930's)....Making his way toward the familiar landmark known as Diamond Head....when, from the edge of a white - sand beach there came a lovely Polynesian maiden bearing scented leis....Plumeria blossoms whose perfume wafted on the warm tropical breeze....awakening in him a desire he had long forgotten....when to his surprise, she removed the flowers from around her neck and placed them about his shoulders....leaning close to our intrepid seafarer....she whispered....                           (to be continued)

And I still call Tom my friend!  I wonder how long it will take him to finish this tale.

Stay warm, stay safe, share a smile.

Smiles,  David


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Here comes round five


Milo, my lovely wife Janice and Malcom below zero

Milo and I are not going very far on our morning walk.  Things freeze very fast when the temperature drops below zero.  I was telling Milo that we would have to do most of our walking on the treadmill until it warms up a bit.  I think he understood because his paws were getting cold.  I also told him that many of our j-land buddies are having to put up with the cold temperatures too.  He wagged his tell, letting me know that he understood.  At least we have snow and not ice. 

I am having trouble with my electronic toys.  The other day I lost my work computer (Hard Drive failure), my sons computer and our TIVO unit.  They all went out within twenty minutes of each other.  Makes me wonder if we were having power surges of brown outs.  To top it all off, my wireless Internet Service Provider (ISP) decided to change out their hardware and not tell any of their customers.  I thought my internal wireless Netgear router had gone haywire......the LED's were flashing like crazy.  After several frantic calls to IonSky (not a single one returned), I decided to contact the competition.  I received a quote and was about to place the order for new service when the network came back up and everything started to work perfectly.  I will stay with them but they are on a very short leash, if you know what I mean.

Round five of our weekend storms is on it's way.  We are suppose to receive a "one- two punch" on Saturday and Sunday.  I was hoping for a relatively nice day on Saturday.  Janice and I need to drive up to Cheyenne to see my brother.  He is in the hospital. 

Will the snow ever end?  Or even melt?

Until  next time, happy trails partner!


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Round 4 is on it's way


The Driveway

Milo and I aren't walking as far as we should be.  It's been a little hard to make the trip with the wind blowing.  I had to warn Milo that there is another storm due to arrive on Thursday.  That will be 4 storms in 4 weeks.  We had a terrible wind storm on Sunday night.  The wind blew constantly at 30 MPH with gusts from 70-90 MPH.  The wind combined with the 42" of snow gave us two 5' snow drifts on our driveway.  My son, Mike, enjoyed it.....Monday was a snow school.  We did not lose power but we did lose our Internet service.  Jan is heading off to CostCo (food store) to restock the pantry.  We'll see what this next storm brings us.  This is going to be a very cold storm, with temperatures below zero and 2"-3" of snow each of the four days it is suppose to last.   BURRRRRR!!!!!!!!

The recent avalanche that was in the news was about 40 miles from us, at least by the way the crow flows.  Avalanches are common when we get these kind of snow storms.  There are three levels of snow and the top one can easily slide off and cause an avalanche.  We are use to seeing them, although they usually don't take a couple of cars off the road.

It's cold but at least it is good snuggling weather!



Thursday, January 4, 2007

Morning walk....round 3


Milo and I left for our morning walk just as the sun was rising.  There certainly is a beauty to our early morning walks.  We now have a collection of three flags.  Because of the high winds expected, we rose the smaller flag (4 X 6).  Bob is back from his medical break and is smiling from ear to ear.  It is so good to see him back behind the wheel of the school bus.  Milo was overjoyed to see him.  The substitute did not have any treats for Milo.

The New Year celebration was a great success.  Everybody was happy and safe.  I missed my bartender.  For some reason, she stopped at the mayor's house to wish him a Happy New Year on the way to my house.  Everybody knows better than to "stop by for a moment" at Chris's place.  You can not just stop by for a moment.  Several Gin and Tonics later she realized she missed 2/3 of the evenings festivities.  We had a good laugh over that.

Round three of the snow is due in tonight. It is beautiful.  Sometimes I feel as if I live in a postcard.

Happy New Year!  May your year contain many, many smiles.
