Sunday, February 10, 2008

Goodbye to Malcom

Malcom 1993 - 2008

We lost our beloved Malcom on the first of this month.  She will be missed.  She came to us when she was one, pregnant and full of love (8 lovely puppies). She have given the whole family nothing but love and attention.  She was the alpha dog in the house.  Milo misses her.  He still waits for her at the top of the stairs at night.  They use to "go to bed" with a treat, together, every night.  Janice and I were with her when she took her last breath.  It was one of the hardest things I have ever experienced.

Last weekend Jan and I went to Estes Park for a get-a-way weekend.  Estes Park, Colorado is nestled in the Rocky Mountains, west of Loveland, Colorado just a short 30 miles north of our home.  Even though it is winter, we found some fun things to do.  We dined at the Estes Park Brewery and sampled several beers.  My first visit to Estes Park was in the summer of 1959 for Boy Scout camp.  On the north edge of the community is the famous Stanley Hotel.  It is the hotel where Stephen King got the inspiration for his book, The Shining.  It was the location for the filming of the TV show of the same name and the movie Dumb and Dumber.  Even though I have visited the town for almost 50 years, other than when our band played there this last fall, I had never been inside the Stanley.  We took the haunted ghost tour.  We learned all of the stories about the Stanley's founders and all of it's famous guests. It was quite an experience.  I encourage you to click on the link and go for a quick visit.  Stanley Hotel

Have a great week.  I'll try to capture a picture of my "snow drag" for my nest post.




Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you lost your beloved dog. That is a hard time.

Anonymous said...

That is very sad, David, to hear of Malcom's passing. Mind you, 15 is a grand old age for a dog, I believe. She'll await you beyond the Rainbow Bridge.

Anonymous said...

My condolences for the loss of your beloved dog, Malcom.  I'm so glad he gave you some wonderful memories to hold in your heart.  


Anonymous said...

That is so sad about Malcolm. I remember meeting her over 10 years ago, and fell in love with her then. I can remember with fondness some of the stories you would tell us, your study group team, about that sweet pup. Sometimes we'd even laugh about your "frustrations" with her. I loved the story of how your family got her and named her. (laughs). I will miss her too, because even though I was not around her, she was a presence to me through your wonderful stories. Malcolm, you will be sorely missed! (Wonderful portrait to remember her by---looks like a painting!)

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry David its always hard to lose a family member:( Estes Park is always fun. Winter or summer. have a good week


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to read about your Malcom. It is never easy to lose a family member such as a devoted dog. Know I am thinking of you~

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about Malcom.  She was quite a pretty dog and 15 is a nice old age.  She must have had a wonderful life with you.  Poor Milo.  Will you get a new companion for him to help his lonliness?

Anonymous said...

I am SO sorry for the loss of your Malcom, what a beautiful regal dog he was ! May he rest in eternal peace.

The Stanely looks so cool, I love haunted houses, and Stephen King!!!
I really, really have to make it to Colorado some day!
Be well my friend,

Anonymous said...


Colleen and I are saddened by your loss.  We remember when you first adopted Malcolm and she has been faithful to you and your family for a long time.

On a separate note, The Stanley looks wonderful.  This needs to be on our list of places to go the next time we are in your neck of the woods.  Maybe this summer?


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Malcom.  Sounds like she had a wonderful life with you guys.

Funny you mentioned Estes Park, my fifth annual trip is all booked for May, and we are spending our first night at the Stanley, my pal Melissa is going with me this year, and she requested for us a "haunted" room...not sure what I'm in for...we are going to take the ghost tour also.  I hope I can be brave!


Anonymous said...

So very sorry to hear you have lost Malcom,they leave a big hole dont they? Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of Malcolm! Poor Milo, I can just picture him waiting at the top of the stairs for her. (((Hugs)))

I would love to tour the Stanley Hotel. I garnered a lot of interest through Stephen King's book. To date The Shining (the original) is a favorite movie of mine. Sounds like it was a wonderful get away! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Man, my alerts are so screwed up.  ::sigh::  Your Malcolm looks a lot like my beloved Jet.  We had to put him down when we moved to Colorado in 2001.  It was truly the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  My deepest condolences on the loss of your pet.  I love Estes Park.  It is one of my most favorite places to visit in Colorado.  We went there several times.  I got pictures of the Stanley while we were there.  We never toured it.  Now I wish we had taken the time.  My daughter and I would have enjoyed the haunted ghost tour.  There were elk all around the Stanley when we went.  I got pics of them grazing on the grounds surrounding the Stanley.  Gorgeous hotel.  Gotta catch up ASAP and see what I have been missin'.



Anonymous said...

Sorry about your Malcom.  We lost our Ginger the cat too.  ::sigh:: Hard to let them go.
That Stanley Hotel is just awesome.  Very beautiful.  I sure hope I get to go to Colorado sometime.  I just won't know what to do first!  LOL

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you lost Malcom!  I know someday you and Milo will walk with her again...  {{{ hugs }}}

be well,