Sunday, May 13, 2007

All in a day!


I tried to squeeze in all of my obligations yesterday and seemed to accomplish everything I wanted to do.  I woke up in the Marriott hotel in Kansas City at 2:30 in the morning.  Arriving at the airport at 4:30 gave me plenty of time to catch my flight to Denver.  I arrived in Denver just before 7AM and by 9:30 my lovely wife and I were enjoying breakfast.  We then went shopping for a new dress for her.  She wanted to look beautiful for the afternoon wedding...I'll get to that in a moment.

I left our house just after noon.  At 2:00 our Boy Scout troop began our Eagle Scout ceremony.  One of our Scouts, David T. was presented with his Eagle Scout award.  He worked very hard to accomplish this and I am very proud of him.  For the leaders, there is very little recognition for the time and effort involved.  the recognition comes when a young man walks forward to receive his award.  We all hold our chests out a little farther.  The ceremony was over at 3:30 and I left to join Janice at the wedding.

Boulder is situated at a unique place on the North American continent.  The Great Plains meet the majestic Rocky Mountains in our front yard.  The snow capped mountains give birth to many small streams that grow into rivers.  These small streams run down canyons and then flow out onto the plains, merging to become the mighty Mississippi River.  A few people are lucky enough to build their homes on the banks of these streams.  The native cottonwood trees line the streams and often frame an absolutely beautiful view of the foothills and mountains in the distance.

Yesterday, our fire chief Steve, and his beautiful bride, Wanda, exchanged their wedding vows on the bank South Boulder Creek, the stream that emerges from Eldorado Canyon.  It was a warm spring afternoon with scattered white clouds above the mountains.  The huge lawn was partially covered with a large white canopy tent.  There was a portable dance floor in the middle of the covered area.  Dining tables were set all around the dance floor with the buffet and bar at one end.  A beautiful flower garden of poppies, hyacinths, and other spring flowers surrounded the lawn.  Over 150 people attended.  Many of us ate and danced until the music stopped around 7PM.  As the guests left, a small group of our Sunshine neighbors gathered on the deck above the creek.  We continued to enjoy several bottles of wine and conversation as we watched the sun set.  Tired but still enjoying the evening, we left for home around 9:30.  Photos

May I wish "Happy Mothers Day" to all the mothers out there in j-land.  A special wish to my own, wherever you are.  I know the good Lord is taking good care of you and my father.   I love you and miss you very much. 

Smiles to all,



Anonymous said...

The wedding and reception sounded lovely ..a beautiful day indeed. How about a wedding photo? Your tribute to your mother is heartfelt... thanks for reminding us of it. I sent my mom a card and called her. She lives in Alabama, I live in NC. My son came by and brought Chinese food dinner home with him so I wouldn't have to cook... I didn't care to go out either, so we ate at home and had a nice converstation as a result. Have a good Sunday, Dave.


Anonymous said...

Hi D.,   Boy! those are nice pictures (Stratton wedding); great color, happy people, good arrangements, well-captured ambience----puts you right there! Thank you for sharing the event with us.
P.S.  Janice's hair looks great! I like the color and the length. What a beautiful smile in so many of the pictures!  
    The tribute to your mom was touching and what a wonderful antique photo and a perfect moment in time captured. Very nice.   Evangeline

Anonymous said...

Greetings! What beautiful pictures from the wedding. The scenery is gorgeous. I remember reading the entry for your mother last year. So sweet.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
Be well

Anonymous said...

Obviously a good time was had by all... and you are right... the scoutmasters don't get enough recognition at all... but I am sure you were very proud and it was worth it!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Wow, you had a busy day.  I thought mine were busy.  
Lovely wedding photos and sounded like a wonderful place for a wedding.  And a very nice tribute to your mother.  By the way, my grandmother was named Eula too.  I don't hear that name very often.  It was Eula Mae - southern of course.  :>)
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

The wedding photos were great.  Looks like everyone had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful surroundings for a wedding. Thanks for sharing this event with us hon, I felt as I was there enjoying the wedding right along with you. I love the majesty of Colorado. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the photos, David.  The wedding is stuff dreams are made of.  Keep that chest puffed because very few reach the level of Eagle Scout.  Hope you had a good birthday!  Chris

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that looks like the Flatirons.  I saw that lovely view many a day while we lived in Broomfield.  Gawd, how I miss that wonderful, beautiful view.  I literally ACHE to live in Colorado again.  I enjoyed the wedding photos.  I just posted some of my nieces wedding in my journal.  Looked like a gorgeous spot for a wedding.  Congrats to the happy couple.

All My Best,
