Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sunshine Garden Club


Our Sunshine neighbor, Dr. Tracy (PhD) and I found ourselves on the topic of mountain gardening last summer.  Just after she and her husband, Tim, moved into their new home, I had offered her a Columbine (Aquilegia ) for her garden as a house warming gift.  That gift has sparked many a great conversation.  Tracy is originally from Virginia and is use to having plants galore.  I have 5 years of horticulture training;  I taught a class in home landscaping and authored a publication on gardening in the high altitudes of Wyoming.  Between us, we could talk for hours.

Sunshine has a very short growing season. Our last frost is usually around the 1st of June and the 1st frost is around the middle of September. We are in the USDA hardiness zone 3.  Besides having a very short growing season, we have other things that make gardening in Sunshine a challenge.  Critters!  The deer, squirrels, chipmunks and rabbits love our flowers and vegetables.  These challenges have brought the mountain gardeners together. Tracy thought it would be a good idea for all of us frustrated gardeners to join together and form a garden club.  We are still in the talking stage and I'm sure it won't be long until we are organized. 

Gardening tip from our friend Deb  Do you know that if you sprinkle blood meal around the plants the deer won't eat it

My youngest son, Michael, has asked me to write a book about gardening and home landscaping for him.  He wants something he will be able to pass on the his children. 

 Before I take on that task, I wanted to put together a few thoughts for our mountain gardener friends in Sunshine.  If you are outside the Sunshine area, please remember that these thoughts and ideas are designed for our particular area.  It may seem strange to most flat landers that we do not plant our annuals until late May or early June.  Gosh, we had 3" of snow on the 24th of April this year.

Gardening tip:  I like to watch the weather forecast in the spring.  I have found the perfect time to put down fertilizer is just before a spring snow storm hits.  When the snow melts, it gently soaks the fertilizer into the ground.  I have always liked to add 20-10-5 (NPK) to the soil in our climate.  NPK stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.  In this case the fertilizer would be 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 5% Potassium.  The nitrogen promotes shoot growth, the phosphorus promotes root growth and the potassium helps keep the plant healthy.

I have spent the last two months dreaming and drooling as I pondered over seed catalogs.  I have drawn out plans on how I want to lay out my vegetables.  I have made a list of the annuals I would like to see growing in my few flower beds.   I can tell when the ground is no longer frozen by watching the rhubarb (genus Rheum).  This subterranean prelude always gives me hope that the snow will soon be ending and spring is near.  When the little red nubs start showing, the ground is no longer frozen and it's time to start preparing the soil.

Our soil is basic in nature.  I like to add peat moss.  Even though it is generally very damp in the spring, July and August can be very dry. The peat moss, although lacking in nutrients, helps the growth of the plant by holding the much needed moisture.  For nutrients, I pay a visit to my girlfriend,Chili.  If you live in Sunshine or have followed my journal, you know Chili is my neighbor Holly's horse.  Years and years of mucking out the corral have left a rather large pile of aged horse manure.  Although not as good as cow manure, it is an excellent source of nutrients.  My BIL Mike, does not use it in his vegetables, fearing any nasty germs it might carry.  I found the flower beds love it!

Pruning, why do we do it?  There are three basic reasons we prune:

1) To cleanout dead, dying, diseased and broken wood.

2) To eliminate over crowding.

3) To thin out, shape and train the plants growth pattern.


 The broad leaf trees and shrubs have not yet leafed out.  Now is the perfect time to prune all but the flowering trees and shrubs.  The flowering trees and shrubs get pruned while they are still dormant.

To fully understand the process of pruning, I must first jump into a little botany.  I promise to keep it simple.  There is no need to cover the botanical term for Red algae in this forum.  (In case you are wondering, it is Rhodophycophyta.)

The stem growth takes place at the apical meristem.  This is is located at the buds and the nodes.  The nodes do not usually become active unless the bud is destroyed.  In the diagram above, if you want the branch to grow up, you would prune just above the node on the lateral stem pointing up.  In this case, the stem would continue to grow, causing the new branch to grow in an upwardly direction.


This is an example of a 3 year growth pattern showing the proper place to prune a small, flowering tree.

If I waited to purchase my favorite annuals at the proper time to put them into the ground, I wouldn't haven't many choices left.  The folks in Boulder can plant a full two weeks before I can.  The early shoppers pretty well pick over the choice plants before I am ready to plant.  I have built a cold frame.  This allows me to purchase the plants and keep the healthy until it is time to plant them. A heat tape keeps the plants warm on those early spring nights when the temperature drops below freezing.  During the day, I open the top doors, allowing the plants to acclimate to the outdoor temperatures. 

Tulips and St. Francis in my Sunshine garden.


Anonymous said...

Wow that is wonderful. I have a black thumb and can kill even a fake plant roflmao. I think your son is right you should right a book you know so much and are so articulate (sp) anyway have fun in the garden big hug vicky

Anonymous said...

Growing up Mom and Dad always had a huge garden and lots of flowers. Now its just flowers their specialty is dinner plate Dialhas so pretty. They always used horse manure well cured tilled into the ground then when it came time to plant in between the rows we put lots of newspaper (thick) then a little dirt on top then water the ground well seeds came up but not the weeds yeah i hated to weed lol. i love columbines but the true blue are my favorite. let me know when you get the garden book together and if i can help ok?


Anonymous said...

you should write a book i love the tulips
i need to start planting my potted flowers and start my veggies!
it will be my first time having my own garden.
i hope i dont kill it all

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers David!!!! I seem to kill everything I plant so now I just go with the silk ones!!!!! LOL!!!!! I get dibs on the first autograph for the book!!!! hehe!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

wow...thank you for the information! I know I needed this. :o) Now I know what I'm doing wrong! lol

Anonymous said...

Very informative David ....I thank you !


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures!  I think writing a gardening book to be passed down to your grandchildren would be a great idea, and it sounds like you would have a lot of knowledge and expertise to put into it.

Anonymous said...

Oh gee, look at that flower! It's a 'sight for sore eyes' for sure! What a great idea, Dave, you should write a book; sounds like you know what your talking about, and you have taught me a thing or two, just reading this entry; your tulips look gorgous; I think you live in the perfect state, the air is much cleaner than New Jersey, I know that! Looks better too-lol-yes, if you have access to real horse
manure, your lucky-good ol' Chilli, huh? She's doing a great job on your blooms!
LOL I'm glad I caught up on your entry's, I always do; been busy with my Mom,
she's in the hospital recuperating from surgery, and she's fine for now-keeping
my fingers crossed though; I owe you guys an e mail-I'll soon get to it, I promise!
~Diane~ http://journals.aol.com/dizarra/StorysFromtheCityTalesFromtheSea/

Anonymous said...

David, I do believe Pgh is in Zone 3 also.  My mother is a botanist.  That was her major in college.  You and she could do well with a book.  Her gardens are supberb along with her grass.  Her daughter (moi) has a brown thumb.  Landscaping, design and the care of plants is a gift to treasue and definitely pass on.  :)  Chris

Anonymous said...

Very interesting....I certainly need to read the book once you write it.  LOL.  I love to garden but don't have much time to spend on it.  
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful advice! I'm in upstate NY and can pretty much go with what you have shared. I have wild cane that grows on a few lots of my property (Yes, it is a nuisance) But generally when the cane starts sprouting new shoots it's time to plant.
I usually don't even put anything in the ground until mid May when the weather stays at the minimum of 50 degees at night. It's warming up a bit here so far so good. I'm hoping to go flower shopping this coming weekend. As for critters, the deer are generally the only ones I worry about. If I plant to the East of my wild apple and pear trees away from the woods. They munch on the apple shoots and leavings. I can deal with that, nothing like going outside and seeing a mini herd of deer in your yard. All the more surprising as the woods that I own on my property are in the middle of suburbia LOL! (Hugs) Indigo