Friday, June 23, 2006

The Oregon Trip


The Columbia River Gorge, looking east.

After a three day drive, we arrived in Seaside, Oregon.  The drive was safe with only one event.  The remains of a truck tire was "thrown" up against the car giving everyone a heart rushing moment. 

Just east of Portland, in the Columbia River Gorge, between the small towns of The Dallas and Hood River, is the small community of Mosier, Oregon.  My great-grandparents lived in Mosier.  I still have relatives there.  While in high school, I would spend my summers working on the farm in Mosier, picking cherries.  We took a side trip and to my surprise, the Evans Brothers were offering and area for "u-pick cherries".  It gave me an excellent opportunity to show my son, Michael, how I spent my summer when I was his age.  We picked four pounds of cherries.

I arose early this morning for my walk.  This morning, rather than walking on the dirt road in front of the Sunshine school house, it was on the Oregon beach.  I do truly miss Milo.

Some things in life never change.  While on my morning walk I passed a very young child with her mother.  She must have been about one year old as she was just learning how to walk.  I passed several couples, most of them holding hands.  There is one couple that sticks in my mind.  They must have been in their eighties; he with a gray beard, she was small in stature, gray hair wrapped in a scarf.  It does my heart good to see a couple like that walking hand in hand, like young lovers, on the beach.  On my return trip, others were preparing for their morning on the beach.  Groups of teen-age girls all giggled as they carried their beach towels past me.  The teen-boys were not far behind, being loud and obnoxious, hoping the girls would notice them.

I walked looking at the surf, listening to the waves hitting the beach, creating a gentle roar.  I noticed many, many sand-dollars, all broken into small white pieces.  I started to think (no, it didn't hurt) that for as many years as I have walked the sands of the Oregon Coast beaches, I had never found a complete sand-dollar.  And then, there it was...a complete sand-dollar.  I found a quiet joy, a sense of minor accomplishment, an inner peace.  If only Milo had been with me to enjoy the moment.

Thanks to Kate for making me an editor's pick.  I consider it a true honor that she would read my journal, let alone recommend it to others.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to your journal David!

I am sure Milo is taking great care of your house and misses you dearly. Glad to hear you seem to be having a relaxing time. Enjoy yourself and the beach.

Take care,

Amanda :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having a nice time, but it'd be even more special if Milo were there. I know the feeling, am lost without my Monkee, Sweet Pee, & Angel. ;)
Memories are being made. Cherry picking, beach walks, sand dollars, & even the remains of the truck hitting against your car. Life is good!
Have fun & stay safe.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to be visiting with you and Milo again.  I missed your words while I was AWOL.  This entry reminds me on my youth and the summers that I spent with my grandparents in Washington.  I love the Oregon and Washington coasts .. the natural beauty is calming to the soul.  Have fun!!!!  Pennie

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being a editors pick...ya know I love your everyone else can enjoy it too.  Tell Milo hi!  Oh and I will let you know more about Dixie as I find out.  Take care,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip.  Glad you were able to find the sanddollar!
Sharon –

Anonymous said...

have a safe trip:)


Anonymous said...

Dave, how peaceful and reflective your trip has been so far. I missed my dogs too, while I was at Disney World in Florida. I've been writing about my 5-day trip too, but mine is not so peaceful, as you can expect. There is nothing peaceful about spending 5 days and nights in Orlando. But, I needed the distraction. If you care to read about it, it starts with the first day entry, at Universal studios. More entries will follow about each kingdom.
Have a great week, Dave. Bea

Anonymous said...

good for you for finding a whole sand dollar and for being one of the guest editor picks.  I'm sure Milo misses you just as much as you miss him.

Anonymous said...

Question for you....what is a sand -dollar???  A type of shell , I'm thinking (and yes, it hurts - lol)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, send some cherries down my way.

Anonymous said...

Glad you arrived safely in Oregon.  Finding that whole sand dollar is almost surreal.  I know you surely must miss your best little buddy.  Congratulations on being picked, David!  Kate couldn't have picked a finer journal.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time, David, even though you didn't have your best friend, Milo, with you.  I'm sure he would have enjoyed walking the beach with you!

Yummm....cherries!  I bet you and your son had fun eating those, didn't you? lol

Congrats on being chosen as an editors pick, David! :)


Anonymous said...

Aww sorry Milo wasn't there but a nice walk nonetheless Vicky

Anonymous said...

Hi David.... Your trip sounds wonderful. Oregon is one place I would love to visit.
Reading your journal is always a pleasure! :0)

Anonymous said...


You're an excellent writer, I love reading your words!!  You seem like a very gentle man.  I have a question about the sand dollars, I bought a couple of them  long time ago, and haven't had the heart to break them to see what's inside... but I understand they look like little doves???  Is that so??


Anonymous said...

OH!!!  CONGRATS on getting the editor's pick!!  You deserve it!!!


Anonymous said...

awesome you were an editor's pick :) that's great David!!! I loved this entry. It was so cute to read about the elderly couple walking hand in hand. We had a couple like that in Montana; I'd see them walking most mornings. He was very tall; she very petite. But they walked together holding hands; him matching her pace. So endearing.

beautiful picture of the gorge :)
