Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Taking a leave

Yellowstone, 1951

Greeting to all,

I wish I could say I was going on an extended fishing trip to Yellowstone but I can't.  I will be away until the end of October, working in New Jersey.  With that in mind, I need to post all of the events happening in Sunshine until the 1st of November.

Team Sunshine will hold it's August meeting at Mary's house on August 23, 7:30PM.  The September meeting will be held on the 27th and the October meeting will be on the 25th, locations to be announced at the previous months meeting.

September will be, as always, a very active month.  The community fest will be held at the firehouse on September 8th.  There will be a fire mitigation meeting on the 16th, breakfast will be served.  The Sunshine craft fair will be on the 22nd at the Sunshine School house.  Although I won't be able to participate, Star Route, our local band will be performing at the Outlook Hotel in Boulder on the evening of the 14th.  Don't forget "Talk Like A Pirate Day" on September 19th.

The Great American Beer Fest will be held in Denver on the weekend of the 13th of October. Although this event is not held in Sunshine, it is sponsored by a Sunshine resident and almost everyone in Sunshine attends.

During the predawn hours of August 13, make time to step outside and cast your eyes heavenward.  The Perseid Meteor Shower should be at its peak.  At an average of 60 mph (meteors per hour), you'll be sure to catch a flash across the sky every minute or so, weather permitting.

Remember, there's two theories to arguin' with a woman.  Neither one works.

Smiles to all,


Sunrise over Sunshine


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a good stay, and hopefully you'll find a spare computer to update us now and then about life in N.J. I'll be heading to Yellowstone this month, so I WILL catch a beautiful cutthroat in your honor :o)

Take care now,
Rebecca Anne

Anonymous said...

David hope you get on well working in New Jersey ~ and hope you can get to a computer to let us know how things are going for you ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Hoping things go well with you in New Jersey!!!! Maybe you can make a trip down south while you are on this side of the universe!!!!! I will miss your entries!!!! Take care and be careful!!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

Having never been fishing in Yellowstone I can only imagine the beauty of such a venture. Have a safe trip dear heart to New Jersey. Hope you are able to find a computer to stop and say hi and let us know how things fare in that part of the world. You most certainly will be in all of our thoughts during your absence.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have some work lined up, even if it's far away .....travel safely my friend, and keep in touch.
Be well

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip and don't work too hard!  Great picture!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you well in all your endeavors... Sunshine will miss you, and we'll miss the sunshine you bring as well!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Good luck over in NJ, David, and thanks for keeping us up to date.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is certainly a long "leave" you are taking there.  Have fun while you are there working.  Sounds like it will be busy there in Colorado with or without you.
Take care and post and let us know what life is like in New Jersey.  LOL  I've not been there either!