Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sunday happy hour

Hey everybody!  I just received this email from the flute player in the band.  Vic's in town from his Morristown hide-a-way so we have a bass player.  You might as well join us.  The entire community of Sunshine will hear us.  We'll see how work goes on Monday. 

Hey everybody, let's have a Sunday PotLuck HappyHour!
When:      Sunday July 27 - 4 - dark
Where:    Spencers 1254 County Road 83
What:      Music open mike - assorted beers and beverages - Pot Luck Hors D'oeuvre
What else:  Bring an instrument (french horn, trombone, Gretch single cutaway hollow body electric guitar, banjo) a drink you like or a dish to share, sunglasses, and no dogs.
Dogs:       No dogs, unless they're hot dogs or corn dogs or Elvis Presley style Hound Dogs
Who:       You, your friends, your visiting relatives from New Jersey, your neighbors
Safety:   Always be safe - wear helmets, goggles and reflective outerwear - be safe!
 OK...Tracy wants to see some pictures, after the fact.  Here they are.
The party begins!
The Kids having fun.
I know they are not all democrats.
The mayor, Chris and John, a band member enjoying a cool one.  Remember this picture for when I talk about our mayor.


Anonymous said...

Wish I could come... sounds like fun. Why don't you videotape it and post it at aol uncut videos or YouTube for your journal??? What instrument will you be playing? bea

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an offer you can't resist! Have a great time dear friend. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

have a wonderful time:)


Anonymous said...

This invite is too good to pass up ~ getting my running shoes on should be there in time to share in the fun :o) ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Enjoy yourselves!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to make it, but I'm sure you'll have enough fun for both of us.  Show us some pics and I'll at least get to dream that I was there.  :)

Anonymous said...

That is the most quaint get-together.  It is my favorite thing to do.  Surround yourself with beautiful people who don't judge, don't have a chip on their shoulders and just want to have fun and enjoy!  You my friend seem to have it all figured out!  Thanks for the pictures.  I'm still smiling.  :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!~