Sunday, February 19, 2006

Milo says "Thank you"


The Flat Irons, west of Boulder

Milo wanted my to say "Thank you for the birthday wishes".  It was a very, very cold birthday but I don't think he minded.

Speaking of cold, we reached a low for the season of -21 degrees in Sunshine.  I hope that will be the last sub zero cold blast of the year.  We ran an extension cord and a 150 watt light bulb out to the pump house on Friday night.  That was enough heat to keep the pipes from the well from freezing.  All the cars started, hip hip hooray!  Now it's time for the thaw and, hopefully the beginning of the spring snow season.  March is our snowiest month.  I look forward to the heavy wet snows.  They bring the much needed moisture, not to speak of great snow for the skiers!

It appears the fire at the firehouse started in the furnace.  Appearently, the bearings in the blower had worn out.  With such an extensive cold snap, the blower ran often, causing the blower to heat up and start the fire.  This is the initial finding and it is still undergoing review.

Keep smiling, David


Anonymous said...

I hate the cold grrrr brrrr snow yes cold no :)


Anonymous said...

Milo, you are quite welcome, good boy!
David, it is COLD here too!

Anonymous said...

Glad Milo's day was good :)   Been cold here the last few days as well but you can keep the -21.  Bbbrrrr  it was -6 with wind-chill this morning and that is plenty cold enough for these old bones.

PS Gorgeous picture!


Anonymous said...

It's Milo's birthday? mine too! Happy Birthday Milo! ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Milo had a nice birthday, even if it was cold!  I bet it is absolutely beautiful where you live, David.  Just by the pictures you show us, and the way you talk about it.  Not to mention the fact that, just the name, "Sunshine" conjures up a bright and beautiful place! :)


Anonymous said...

We also reached the low for our season too . . . -1. Which now seems like nothing to your -21. Now I can't complain about the weather here . . . great. :-P

Take Care!

Amanda :)

Anonymous said...

Wow.. gorgeous picture!!!! Man that is some cold weather!!! Sorry David but I'm glad I'm here instead of there!!!! LOL...

Anonymous said...

Whoa...-21.  Pa. hasn't had a deep freeze like that in a long time.  Smart thinking to keep those pipes from freezing.  March is weird here.  We usually get at least one huge storm but then again you never know.  Chris

Anonymous said...

I give my dog Sloppy a steak every August first.