Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Morning walk



Milo, Here comes the bus!

Milo and I started on our morning walk at 7:05 this morning.  We walked down the long driveway and out on to the main road.  The wind was gusting and it was a cool 22 degrees.  The flag went up at the school houses as usual.  It is staying light until 5:30 PM so we can take the flag down (retire the colors) after work.  We made it to the fork and turned around.  I always give Milo a treat when we turn around.  It is his reward for not going out to the pavement and heavy traffic on Sunshine Canyon Drive.  We walked all the way back to the "bear corner" (where I was face to face with the black bear) before the school bus approached us.  Today I remembered to take my camera.

Bob, the school bus driver, stopped the bus and passed Milo his usual treat.  He then asked me about Dr. Paul.  Dr. Paul usually runs with his two dogs in the morning.  Bob mentioned that he had not seen him lately.  I had to tell Bob that Silka, Dr. Paul's red dog passed away.  I also had to tell him that Dr. Paul, his wife and two children were moving into town.  We will miss them.  I'll have to find someone else to smoke cigars with!  Dr. Paul is our family physician, so I'm sure I will see him at least once a year.  His mother lives in Vail, Colorado.  We are always invited to "camp out" at her house when we go skiing.

The next FAC has just become a SAC!  it will be Saturday, late afternoon, Feb 24th at Steve and Dee's.  The Sunshine Star Route Band (formally The Blowtorch Hillbillys) will be entertaining.



Ahhhhh  Spring skiing in Vail.  A little wine, crackers and cheese and FPS5000!  There is nothing better.


Anonymous said...

love the photo of milo and the bus:)


Anonymous said...

That picture is great !!! The bus coming around the bend. Nice view.


Anonymous said...

Love your pictures! I think it's adorable Milo gets a reat from the bus driver too!
No wonder he's waiting so patiently! That's the best time to walk, early in the
morn.....the earlier the better. ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

The picture of Milo and the bus is cute. Milo looks at home on the road, I see. He wouldn't feel that comfortable on a Delaware road, I'm sure.
Be well,

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. Like both of them That road looks very very windy!!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, David! Milo is such a goooooood boy!!

Anonymous said...

Funny it doesn't look cold!!! Beautiful picture David!! I just love Milo!!! Wonder how him and Lexie would get along???

Anonymous said...

Milo is so well behaved.  I'm impressed.  Grizzly takes off like a bat out of you know where when he's off his leash.  So cute that Milo has so many friends that pass him treats.  Chris