Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tagged by Amanda

I've been tagged by Amanda.  I've seen this going around and have read some very interesting entries.  Amanda's post had me ROFL!  So.....here goes............


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1. Grab the nearest book.

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your Blog along with these instructions.

5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet I know that is what you were thinking!

6. Tag 4 or 5 people

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Taken from the current book, (I'm actually in the middle of three books but this is the one I can't put down) "Walking The Bible" by Bruce Feiler

"The distance between Jerusalem and Cairo is almost impossible to measure.  By foot it should take about a month, by camel two weeks, by bus a day.  But for most of history, such conventional means rarely worked.  Abraham made it faily easily, as did Mary and Joseph when they fled Bethleham with the baby Jesus to escape the wrath of Herod."

I won't tag anybody but I do find it fun to see what others are reading.


Anonymous said...

I just did this today too!  Come by and read!  

be well,

Anonymous said...

I miss reading. Journals is all I have a chance to read nowadays sometimes not even that Vicky :)

Anonymous said...

interesting:) watch out the next big storm is coming our way fast yuck:)


Anonymous said...

BtW, has your sidebar been changed? It looks different... like the new look. Bea

Anonymous said...

I'm reading cosmo. magazine right now. LOL. I haven't read a book in so long. About 6 months.

Anonymous said...

i'm reading mrs pigglewiggle right now i read it as a kid and saw it at borders and had to have it! LOL...i was tagged awhile back but i keep forgetting to do this too.
have a good one

Anonymous said...

I am currently volunteering in a teenage crisis center, so am reading Restoring the Teenage Soul. I have such a heart for young people in trouble. So many need a mentor or friend.  Lots of troubled teens out there that need good role models.