Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Morning walk


    Thinking of Spring.....my tulip garden and St Francis.  1998

   Milo and I started our day as usual this morning.  We had another “Sunrise Alert”.  That is a phrase we use when there is a beautiful sunrise.  The sky was ablaze with red, orange and yellow.  We performed our morning task and raised the flag.  As usual, Milo sat at attention.  I almost wish he would learn to play the bugle.

Just then a brand new white Ford extended cab, Ranger approached us and came to a stop.  I did not recognize who was inside until the power window rolled down.  Behind the wheel sat Randy.  I don’t usually talk about people’s characteristics because it’s not polite and my parents raised me better than that.  (Also, you never know who’s going to read your journal.)  But in Randy’s case, you have to know a little about him to appreciate his new pick-up truck.

            Randy has lived in Sunshine for a number of years.  He stays mostly to himself.  He’s a bachelor in his mid 30’s.  Up until today he has been driving an old red Chevy truck.  He wears a brown felt “well loved” cowboy hat, Wrangler jeans and a pocket t-shirt (various colors).  I did see him on a Saturday evening last summer wearing a “snappy” cowboy shirt.  He must have had a date.  His cowboy boots are well worn.  It’s hard to tell what kind of animal gave up its life for those fine boots. I think he purchased them during Cheyenne Frontier Days.

            I believe he fancies himself as a cowboy.  I know he sure loves Country and Western music (not that there is anything wrong with that, I do too).  I hear it every time he drives by.  I used to think he was from Nebraska because of his red truck.  Other times I was sure he was from Texas.  He will often wear his pants inside his boots.  I even remember him saying “all-ya-all” at last year’s community fest.  I know he’s not from Wyoming.  Unlike myself, he does not get that “far away look” when we talk about sheep.

            Personally, I’ve never seen him take a drink, but rumor has it, he can hold his own with the best of ‘em.  I’m not sure what he does for a living.  He leaves every morning while Milo and I are walking.  He returns when we are lowering the flag in the evening.  As he passes, he gives us a two finger wave.

            I thought it strange that he would stop this morning.  He rolled down the window and called me over to his brand new truck.  I looked in the window and noticed the gun rack in the rear window.  He wanted to show me his “toys’.  There, mounted where the back seat should have been, was a microwave, refrigerator and coffee pot.  Mounted to the ceiling was a color TV / DVD combination.  Randy must be a cowboy from Wyoming.  They are awfully proud of their pickup trucks in Wyoming.

            Milo and I wished him a safe journey and continued our walk.  We saw half a dozen robins today.  5" to 8" of snow is predicted for tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful tulips!  I hope they dont kill the flowers

Anonymous said...

no snow as of yet but its only 3:18 am


Anonymous said...

First, I love the photo. Second, does Randy live in that truck, or is it common to have those appliances there???
Have fun with your snow !


Anonymous said...

Randy seems well prepared; you know how they always say if you live in a place with bad weather and you are on the road a lot you should have things to survive in case you are stranded. I think he has that and more :)

hope you get your snow..............


Anonymous said...

Oh my more snow?
Are you tired of it yet?
~ Marina

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to know why Randy had all that stuff put in his truck.  Is he going to live in his truck?  

Anonymous said...

Love the pic...and Milo playing the bugle is in my minds eye now....too funny.  I would be picking spring flowers like that if it snows...no sense in them freezing when they could be in the house..lol  bad Dwana bad...I know.  I do not understand the appliances in the truck thing.  I've heard of tv's but coffee pots, and such.  Maybe he plans on traveling a long distance..lol  Hmmmm.  Tell Milo hi from Ohio. Take care, and glad you had another "Sunrise Alert"

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tulips and love the statue.  Cute story about Randy.  All the appliances in his truck...wonder if he plans to enterain some fine ladies in that truck... Chris

Anonymous said...

lol nice truck Randy has.  Beautfilful picture.

Anonymous said...

There are two pictures I`d like to see in your journal:
1. Milo playing the bugle ( when he learns ) and
2. That far away look in your eyes when talking about sheep.
LOL, David, you are too funny!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pic, David!!

And... what a lovely way of describing what I would call.. a "character."  :)
