Friday, January 20, 2006

Do you have a "Smiles" file


Columbines from my garden last summer

I have been fortunate enough to sit in on several Eagle Scout boards of review.  That is a group of adults that review the accomplishments of a Boy Scout to make sure he has earned his Eagle Scout Rank.  It is the last step before he is given the award.  Part of the process is to read the letters of recommendation sent to the board.  At the end of the interview, I have started suggesting that the young man start a "smiles file", or to simply put the letters in a file folder.

Each of of has "one of those days" when we would like to start all over and hope the new day is a lot better than old one.  Sometimes, I feel that way in the middle of the day!  Well, I pull out my smiles file and start reading.  I have added about 45 - 50 letters to my "smiles file".  These are letters of accommodation, awards  I have received, prizes and trips I have won, nice letters from friends; all positive, up lifting stuff.   I don't have to read them all, just enough to turn my attitude around.  Somehow, after reading them, the day is a little brighter.

I have heard that my recommendation to start a "smiles file" is catching on at all the boards of review.

Thanks to you too, Dad.


Anonymous said...

what a good idea:) i love the columbines


Anonymous said...

A smiles file works, yeah or 2 glasses of wine, sex with the racy person that makes sure they wait on you in your favorite store & a homemake loaf of warm bananna bread.  Did I type that?  ~Mary

Anonymous said...

I love those flowers. What a great idea to hav a smile file. I have made them for my kids, but didnt know it had a name !!!  LOL.
Enjoy your weekend.
(I have read "dad's " journal, isnt he amazing?? )


Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful idea! I think I'm going to start one for myself and one for my son who could use a smile file today.


Anonymous said...

I found you in Sharon's journal and I think the "Smile File" is an excellent idea.  I positively need to start one. Fast! LOL
Thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!  Sometimes, when I'm sorting through this and that's and reorganizing, I run across letters, awards, cards, etc, that do make me smile.. :)

So.. when I clinked on the "Dad" link.. I was wondering... Is that your dad, David??


Anonymous said...

Aw I really love that idea too.

I should have one..I have many letters from friends and christmas cards from fellow bloggers.

I love to re read them!


Anonymous said...

The columbines are stunning, David!  Love the idea of a smile file.  Chris

Anonymous said...

I don't have a smiles file, but I get my smiles from sending cards or little gifts to encourage my friends or someone in need. So hopefully they are starting a smiles file with the things I send them. I adore sending and receiving cards. I have starting making my own cards to send people.   I enjoy making others smile.
