Monday, January 2, 2006

Tagged by Sharon

I've been tagged by Sharon!

Here are the rules.... Write five weird habits of yourself and then you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours. 

Five weird habits...I don't have any that I think are weird but my friends(?) do.....

1. I do my own laundry.  (Something left over from my bachlor days.  The Laundramat is a great place to meet people)

2.  I won't let anybody else iron my shirts.  (I was 15 when my brother Philip was born.  My mom was cleaning up after 3 teen-aged boys and a newborn baby.  I told her I didn't like the way she ironed my shirts.  Guess what?  I've been ironing them ever since.)

3. I have an obsession over clean floors and windows. (I move furniture when I vacuum.  I believe you should see what is on the other side of the glass, not on it.)

4.  I shovel snow at night.  (I enjoy it most if the wind is not blowing and the tempature is below zero.)

5. I try to eat dinner by candle light, even if I am by myself.

Sometimes I like to break the rules.  Everyone else I know in j-land has been tagged.  So....if you feel inclined, go ahead and leave me your five weird habits in my comments.



Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT!!! You are weird!!!!!! Shovel snow at night???????? and the temp BELOW are not are CRAZY!!!! LOL.............. Thanks for playing along!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think they are weird habits; I actually like the fact you do your own laundry! WTG!

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

those are the best 5 i have read    i think your mom had the right idea, too

Anonymous said...

Ahhh..those aren't so weird David!  :)   I like clean windows and while I don't ALWAYS move EVERYTHING when I vacuum, I try to at least once a month!


Anonymous said...

Not weird but probably very weird for a male...LOL...except my BF is like that....very domestic and immacculate.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Feel free to come and move furniture here anytime !!!
Take Care

Anonymous said...

This was a fun way to learn a little more about you, although I have to agree with everyone else that these 5 habits are really not weird.  I just think you like things a certain way.  You know>> "If you want it done right, do it yourself."  I have come to know that is true more often than not.  Ha Ha.