Friday, December 16, 2005

Caroling through J-Land


Hey, this is fun!  I love meeting new friends (J-Land buddies)  Thanks for stopping by.  I'll let Milo know you were here.

 My favorite Christmas song is "Caroling, Caroling" by Nat King Cole.


To participate: 

1) Make an entry titled "Caroling Through J-Land" with these same instructions so others can play along.

2) Visit as many journals as you can and look for their entry titled "Caroling Through J-Land". Leave the title of your favorite carol, along with your name and link to your journal for other carolers.

3) Spread the word so we all can meet new friends and spread some Christmas cheer!

4) Caroling ends this Sunday night at midnight to give everyone plenty of time to make the rounds.

Happy Caroling and Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Hi David!

What a joy to meet you. Thank you so much for visiting my journal. Hope to see you again soon.

Merry Christmas!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Mine favorites are Colorado Christmas and I heard the bells


Anonymous said...

Too cold out to go caroling; I'm sitting home passing out hot chocolate and freshly baked Christmas cookies enjoying everyone stopping by singing. My favorite Christmas carol is O Holy Night.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Hey i forgot to thank you for the card love the cats:)


Anonymous said...

I'm Caroling through J-Land!
My Favorite Carol is "O Christmas Tree"

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!  Love Nat King Cole.  I'm singing Mary Did You Know?  I got your link from Deb.  Hope you don't mind if I add you to my alerts.  LOL...I only have one other guy on my journal list and love getting a male's perspective on things.  Chris

Anonymous said...

I'm Caroling through J-Land to!!!! Merry Christmas!!! My favorite carol is "O Holy Night".... Hey David.... we had a terrible ice storm and our power was just restored last night!! ugh!! But I still don't have internet service... I came by work to check my mail... so I thought I'd leave a comment!!! Hopefully we'll have service soon... take care!!