Saturday, December 17, 2005

More things going on in Sunshine


Holiday Greetings once more.  Tonight is Deb's 50th birthday party.  It looks like the whole neighborhood will be there.  Deb isn't letting the fact that the big five-o has arrived bother her.  She ran in the Chicago marathon and will take on the Boston marathon next. 

It's 9 degrees and snowing.  I'm thankful that we haven't had too much snow.  I sometimes have to deal with the snow plow driving by and blocking my driveway with a pile of snow.  That event always happens just after I have cleared the driveway (One of Murphy's laws).

Last night's wine tasting was quite a bit of fun.  There were about twenty of the neighbors in attendance.   Melissa had a table set up with three Pinot's in bags.  One was from California, one from Oregon and one from Burgundy.  We were to try to guess which one was from the respective country.  Only three people made the correct choice.  The dining room table had ten other Pinot's for us to taste.  One of the wines my uncle sent me was chosen as the best.  Oh yes, I'm glad we live close enough to walk home.

Keep smiling and "alway look on the bright side of life."


Anonymous said...

9 degrees! my goodness.  It is a lovely day here in AZ. I'd say around 60 degrees.  Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

4 degrees this morning in Montana when I walked Koda.

Were you one of the three that correctly picked the Pinots? My husband is good at that. To me, wine is fine; no matter from where.

enjoy the birthday party of your friend.


Anonymous said...

The wine tasteing sounded fun:) enjoy the Birthday Party tonight. Yes it is so cold right now its 10 and the temp is dropping with the wind chill who knows have a great evening


Anonymous said...

30's in Pa. finally...yeah!  LOL...were you one of the three that had all the correct choices for the wine?  Sounds like you have a nice bunch of neighbors.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the kind words about peaches. Hope you have a great Holiday!!

Take care