Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Dog Breath hehe


Milo, as a 6 week old puppy and his sisters.

A friend of mine and I were discussing one of life's little mysteries - Where does a dog keep finding rancid fish to eat every day?  That is the only way I can imagine that his breath smells as bad as it does.  He provided us with some entertainment the other day.  My youngest son, Michael put one of his peanut butter sandwiches on the coffee table.  Milo helped himself.  I can not describe what the poor dog went through.  It must have taken him 20 minutes to rid himself of the peanut butter on the roof of his mouth, AND his tail wagged the whole time.  Milo is a real lover and is friendly to all.  He lets us know when the bear is near.  He does like to chase rabbits, squirrels and foxes, although he has never caught one. He knows the deer are off limits. I hope he never finds a skunk.

Since I retired, I have been doing a lot of reading.  In fact when I'm not fishing, skiing, drinking wine with the neighbors or walking with Milo,  I read.  My brother gave me David McCullough's 1776 and Michael gave me Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton for Christmas.  I've already started 1776.  I really enjoy history.




Anonymous said...

i love the baby picture:) another good one is milky ways the carmel sticks to the roof of the mouth just like pb lol. History huh do you like civil war stuff? we went to radcliff kentucky and got to see forts i will see if i can find the lituature we brought back it was real interesting. Try not to blow away:)


Anonymous said...

How precious!  I have a chi and when I first got her, her breath was horrible!  Now, it's not so bad.  I think it was the food she was eating, or NOT eating, I don't know...lol

I love history too!  Hated it when I was younger, but love it now!


Anonymous said...

Aw, aren' t they so precious.  I just love those little puppy pictures.  Grizzly gets into my 19 year old's bubblegum.  I can always tell because he'll chomp away for an hour on it.  I have to keep our kitty litter inacessible to Griz because it's gross but dogs love kitty litter...ewww...rancid breath for sure.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Yep my dog always has the worst breath!!!  Drives me nuts somedays!  Please let me know how 1776 is. I have been wanting to read that.
