Saturday, December 3, 2005

Morning walk

I call this my morning walk because I usually write it in the morning, after Milo and I return from our walk.  This morning my wife joined us!  Aren't Saturdays wonderful!

The neighborhood party at Frank and Madeline's was a huge success.  They had it catered with appetizers, cocktails, beer, wine, soda, PRIME RIB and deserts. The hillbillies played and had a few neighborhood members stand in with the band. There were about 60 people in attendance.  Our new neighbors from Ireland were there.  Frank and Madeline's house is nestled back in the woods with a beautiful lighted flagstone walk leading up to their front door.  As the party was ending and folks were starting to leave, it started to snow.  It was a beautiful ending to an otherwise perfect evening.

The next organized Sunshine event will be the News Years Eve party.

We moved the two smallest fire trucks into the new firehouse.  We are going to wait for the new pavement to "cure" a little more before we move the new fire truck full of water.  There is a picture of the beautiful new truck on my Sept 19th entry.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good time:)


Anonymous said...

Glad your wife could join you on your walk today!! Sounds like the party was lots of fun!
